Every year, we have the Colonel’s Challenge at work. It’s a exercise challenge spanning 10 weeks that includes resistance, aerobic, push-ups/sit-ups, and weight loss. In previous years, I focused on weight lifting routines and running with my sis-in-law to reach the goals. This year marks a shift in my priorities, abandoning any sort of predetermined…
Author: Loni Townsend
Fresh Eyes #IWSG
It’s the first Wednesday of the month, and we all know what that means… It’s Insecure Writer’s Support Group Day! With everything that’s going on with my personal life, you’d think I wouldn’t have time to be an insecure writer. Alas, that’s not the case. I mentioned a few weeks ago that I had finally…
About Us #NewRelease
Howdy All! Life’s been traumatic at the Town’s End, so I’m happy to bring a bit of good news to my blog. The amazing and talented Elizabeth Seckman released a book! What’s more, you can get it for free!! *squee!!!* That’s news enough to brighten this squirrel’s day, so let me do the honor of…
Crafting a Story of Mine
My son loves Minecraft. He loves it so much, he used his allowance to buy a picture-free Minecraft-themed chapter book from the school’s book fair. We’ve read it twice. It’s terrible. The plot is nonsensical, everything is telling, and the characters flip without a believable reason. Last night, my son proposed we read it for…
Only Two More Chapters #IWSG
Sheesh! It’s Wednesday already. Worse than that, it’s February already! As the first Wednesday of the month, that makes today Insecure Writer’s Support Group Day. What makes me an insecure writer today? As you may or may not know, I’ve been working on Isto, the sequel to Thanmir War, for six and a half years…
Radio Silence and the Ever-Busy Squirrel #Life
In December, my webhost migrated my account to a different server. Since then, I’ve discovered emails from my website no longer work. I’ve contacted them and, after troubleshooting, they suggest reinstalling WordPress without any plug-ins to see if it’s a problem with my installation or if there’s something else. I haven’t gotten around to that…
Challenge 2020 #IWSG
I hope you all had a Happy New Year! Since the first Wednesday of the month was the first, Insecure Writer’s Support Group was bumped a week and landed on today. Man, it’s already been a busy year with a forgotten dentist appointment, a trip to the pediatrician, and a meeting with the principal scheduled…
Racing The Clock #AmWriting
Please let me know if you’re prompted with a CAPTCHA in order to comment. I added a new plug-in to cut down on the amount of spam I get from my contact form, but I don’t want to inconvenience blog interactions. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Britney Spears. Britney Spears who? Knock, knock. Who’s there? Oops,…
What Happened To This Year? #IWSG
It’s the first Wednesday of the month, making it Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. What has me insecure? Not Finishing. One of my goals this year was to be done with Isto, the second book in my epic fantasy series. You’d think this would be an easy task, considering I’d finished the first draft early…
If I Can’t Write… #Art
I mentioned last week that I haven’t gotten a lot of writing done. I can’t bring myself to write when others are around (for one, I get distracted and all I type is gibberish, and for another, I feel compelled not to ignore my family). That might mistakenly lead to the conclusion that I don’t…