It’s the season of new books so for the next couple of weeks, I’m loaning out my blog to friends who are releasing. Therefore today I’m bringing you things I’ve enjoyed recently. Many of you may have heard this one first one already. It’s popular on the alternative radio station here in Boise, and my…
Category: Videos
10 Favorite Screen Characters
A few weeks back, C.D. Gallant-King tagged me in a challenge to come up with my top ten favorite screen characters. Now, if you know me in person, you know I don’t get much screen time because of work, children, and house-cleaning. But I brainstormed with my husband and managed to come up with a…
38 Seconds
I’ve asked myself What makes an effective book trailer? What attracts me? The answer to the latter is kinetic typography. One day, JeriWB and I were discussing our appreciation of beautiful moving text. It planted an idea in my mind. Fast forward to months down the road, and here I am, indulging my creative side….
Featured Photo Friday
If you’re looking for the A to Z Theme Reveal, that went live earlier this morning. You can find the post here. Yesterday was the first day of Spring! It’s still too cold outside for my liking. But inside? It’s just about right. Today’s featured photo comes from our future garden. My birthday is coming…
The Fox
Have you ever read one of those children’s stories and found yourself mimicking the animal noises? We have a couple of those for our daughter (including Terry Pratchett’s Where’s My Cow, which I highly recommend). Well, my husband passed a YouTube video to me that I just had to share. It’s the type of video…