Wow. This year is just zooming by. It’s already March and the first Wednesday of the month: Insecure Writer’s Support Group day! I wrote almost 12K (11,951) in February! That’s not quite the 3200 a week I set, but it is almost 3K, which is uplifting. However… March is always a busy month for me…
Category: Writing
An Unfortunate Realization #IWSG
The first month of 2025 is already gone, and we’re once again at the first Wednesday of the month with Insecure Writer’s Support Group. I had to laugh because I looked up the question of the month and it seems like it was written especially for me. IWSG Question of the Month – Is there…
A Fresh Beginning But So Far Behind #IWSG
I failed to visit anyone’s blog last month. I know, I know. I am a crummy blog friend, and I will be sure to visit this week. The past couple of months have been overwhelming in my personal life, and I ended up slacking in my online presence. But the holidays are over so it…
2024 Comes to a Close #IWSG
November sped by. It passed way too quickly for me, and I can’t believe it’s already December. I had hoped to rewrite book 1 this year. I thought, since it’s already a finished book, it should be fairly easy. Alas, that isn’t how it’s turning out. If it’d been a matter of words, I probably…
Redoing Everything #IWSG
Happy IWSG day, everyone! October passed quicker than I thought it would, and I can’t believe we’re into holiday season. It’s getting chilly outside, and I’ve had to dig out my gigantic fleece squirrel hoodie once more. Despite how dramatic the title to this post sounds, things aren’t as dire as they seem in the…
Fourth Quarter and So Far Behind #IWSG
Happy Insecure Writer’s Support Group Day! I’ve admittedly suffered more writing insecurities this past month than previous months. My book 1 rewriting has trickled to a stop, and I’m not sure if I’ll be able to get the rest of chapter 6 written before Friday to submit it to my group. I keep getting torn…
Seeing New Stories in September #IWSG
Happy IWSG Day everyone! August had its highs and lows. The kids returned to school leading to the frantic shuffle to ensure everyone got to their appropriate locations at the right time. And then, as we settled into routine, covid hit and we all missed work and school for a week. We’re on the mend…
Speeding through Summer #IWSG
Happy First Wednesday, All! Summer has passed in a flash, and we’re already gearing up for school here at the Town’s End. It starts in a week. Neither kiddo is really looking forward to it. My daughter is excited about moving to the next stage of education, but she is dreading waking up for the…
Happy July #IWSG
I forgot to schedule my post for this morning. Thankfully, I didn’t forget. I hope everyone who celebrates the 4th of July has an excellent holiday tomorrow, and that all your pets are safe and sound amidst all the exploding fireworks. We have guinea pigs, and I’m not sure how they’ll react, this being their…
May was Mayhem. Here’s to a Calmer June. #IWSG
Happy First Wednesday of the Month! May was… an exhausting month. There were a couple weeks there where I wanted to scream into my pillow because I was so overloaded with everything. But I’m no longer sick, our home is repaired, my car is working fine, school is out, and the social engagements are checked…