A long, long time ago, I got a job in a call center. They held a multi-week training class, and we had to pass the final test before moving out to the floor. Someone got a perfect score on the test, and that was the first time I ever noticed the quiet young man sitting…
You Can’t Be Series-ous! #AmPlotting
For almost 2/3 of my life, Derek’s lived in my head. For those who don’t know, he’s the main character in my big books. I decided his story could be told in 4 installments, which included the discovery of who he is, the consequences of his actions, trying to right all the wrongs, and finally…
One Million Words #IWSG
Though I didn’t intend to take a hiatus from online life during the month of May, it happened regardless. Now you might be thinking the post title implies how many words I wrote during my time offline. Sadly, that’s not the case. But it is how many words I consumed. When it comes to “reading”,…
Controlling My Environment #IWSG
April was a stressful month with my husband hurting his foot and then back, my daughter getting sick, my son throwing violent tantrums, and my dogs nearly tearing each other apart. I got bit during that last incident and now my best friend owns a 10 year old shiba. The dogs love people, but the…
Stop Distracting Me, Companion Novel!
Last week, I faced the realization I’m going to have to rewrite a lot of things to improve book 2 of my series. I’m pretty amped up about it, because I’ve figured out a way to change things to make the hero’s chapters actually tie in to the main plot and the final battle. The…
A Daunting Task Ahead #IWSG
It’s the first Wednesday of April, and as with every first Wednesday, it’s Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. I got feedback on Isto last week. On Tuesday, I had a sit-down with a beta reader who’s been with me since the first terrible draft of Thanmir War. She went over her notes for Isto, including…
Sneaking Online
It’s amazing how unproductive I am when staying home with children. These past couple of weeks, I ignored my writing, fell behind on my critiquing, and accomplished nothing of what I actually planned to do. My daughter got her tonsils and adenoids out, so I’ve been hanging out with her, keeping her pain level under…
Stuck and Distracted #IWSG
The first Wednesday of each month is Insecure Writer’s Support Group day, and today is that day. I haven’t blogged in a while. Not that I don’t have much to say, but I’ve been too distracted to write it down. I pushed myself hard in the realm of exercise and am pleased to say I’ve…
Getting Creative #IWSG
Every month on the first Wednesday, the Insecure Writer’s Support Group gathers across the bloggosphere to express our insecurities and encourage others. Today is that day! When it comes to writing this year, I’m not bounding through the progress. But that’s because my primary personal push has been exercise and fitness. That’s led to using…
Hi, I’m an ISTJ #CatastropheMode
Well, January has been par for the course at the Town’s End with three doctor visits, two rounds of antibiotics, and multiple uses of inhalers. Ah the joys of being a parent. Thankfully, all I’ve had is a lingering cough that’s been around since last April, so I’ve been able to tend to my little…