Happy First Wednesday of the Month! May was… an exhausting month. There were a couple weeks there where I wanted to scream into my pillow because I was so overloaded with everything. But I’m no longer sick, our home is repaired, my car is working fine, school is out, and the social engagements are checked…
Tag: art
Keep On Marching On #IWSG
I think the world was against me posting this morning. First, a nightmare scared my son, and I spent extra time snuggling with him, consuming most of my morning me-time. Then I got a 403 Forbidden message when I tried to access the admin section of my website. That seems to happen yearly, so I…
Got You Covered #IWSG
Wow. January flew past me. It’s been busy at the Town’s End, but nothing this squirrel can’t handle. I’ll hop straight to the question of the month, since it’s a topic I’ve been known to obsess over. IWSG Question of the Month – If you are an Indie author, do you make your own covers…
October Already #IWSG
September flew by, and I struggle to fathom where the time has gone. I expected this, but it still shocks me that it’s October already. The first Wednesday of the month makes it Insecure Writer’s Support Group day! What makes me insecure this month? The fact I’m starting this month’s writing the same place I…
Into Month Six! #IWSG
It’s the first of June, and the first Wednesday of the month, making today Insecure Writer’s Support Group day! Woot! I’d hoped for less busyness in May, but that wasn’t the case. I faced urgent application changes at work, health problems at home, school events and overdue assignments, birthday parties to attend, and none of…
Progress #IWSG
It’s the first Wednesday of the month, and I only managed to make this post because a friend texted to remind me. Whoops. I’ve made significant progress on my companion novel. That is to say, I’ve made it past chapter 2. After all my worries about chapter 1 lacking tension, I ended up rewriting it…
No NaNo This November #IWSG
It’s November! Sheesh. Only two months left to this year and we’ll be on to the next one. I haven’t accomplished much in 2021. I did one thing I agreed to do (before the deadline even–go me!), but I’ve got two others waiting in the rafters for my attention (sigh). I’ve added more to my…
Well, That Was Fun #IWSG
As I went to write my post this morning for Insecure Writer’s Support Group, I was presented with a wonderful 403 Forbidden error. Yay. It seems every few years I lose my site and I have to dig to get it back. As I stepped through the troubleshooting and nothing worked, I relented and reached…
Dwelling on the Good Stuff #IWSG
Today is the first Wednesday of the month, which means it’s Insecure Writer’s Support Group day! I want to start off this post by letting you all know that FULL DARK is celebrating it’s 3rd anniversary! It’s a benefit anthology where all the proceeds go to the Gary Sinise Foundation, and we’ve donated over $200…
I’ll See You In September #IWSG
It’s the first Wednesday of the month, meaning it’s Insecure Writer’s Support Group Day! Woot! I netted 16K in August toward book 3, which is a decent chunk for me. If you’re wondering (which you probably aren’t) “what about book 2?”, well, I did convince myself that the changes I have planned (and have been…