We’re into the last week of the This World Bites blog tour, and today, I’ve got 2 guest posts going on! On Stephanie Faris’s blog, I ask a question that haunted me throughout my writing. And at Spunk on a Stick’s Tips, I share my experience with different Print-On-Demand options. Have you ever written humor…
Tag: blog tour
This World Bites – Keeping it Short + Geeky Excerpt!
Woohoo! We are halfway through week 2 in the This World Bites blog tour. Today, Liz Blocker has me on her blog talking about keeping it short when I’m used to writing long. And today, I have a delightful entry from an author I respect and enjoy, Christine Rains! She’s got her blog tour going…
This World Bites – Passive Zombies
We’re into the second week of the This World Bites blog tour! Today, I’m at C.M. Keller’s. She once shared a tip about finding passive voice using zombies, and my mind took it to extremes at an inappropriate time. Has your mind ever run away with zombies? If you missed me last week, you can…
This World Bites – Awkward Romance
Cera hasn’t had it easy in love. So for today’s stop on the This World Bites blog tour, I’m at Elizabeth Seckman’s, talking about my top 10 awkward romantic moments. What awkward romantic moments have you had? Any you feel like sharing?
This World Bites – Silhouettes
I discovered a funny thing. Nobody signed up for any of the Thursdays on my blog tour! Not this week, next week, or the week after! So I am hosting myself. 🙂 (If you feel so inclined to pick up one of the Thursdays, let me know.) If you’ve been following me for a while,…
This World Bites – Killing Darlings
For today’s stop on the This World Bites blog tour, I’m over at Sarah Foster’s, talking about killing my darling ending. Come on over and see if you can relate! Have you ever had to kill a section of writing dear to you?
This World Bites – Can you tell when I’m lying?
It’s day two of the This World Bites blog tour and I’m over at Melissa Maygrove’s. Come on over and guess which of the “facts” I’ve provided is a lie. If you’re right, you might win a free e-copy of This World Bites!
Happy Release Day! This World Bites
Woohoo! Cera Chronicles: This World Bites is live and available for purchase! Add it on Goodreads. Pick it up on Amazon or Barnes & Noble. Today also kicks off the first day of the blog tour. Come over to Alex J. Cavanaugh’s blog and see the top ten zombie influences I had for This World…
This World Bites Blog Tour – Are you signed up?
Cera Chronicles: This World Bites is off to the editor! I’ve set the release date for January 19th and am now planning the tour. You have the opportunity to help out by signing up for a tour stop. I’m giving away free ARCs to anyone willing to do a review. Loading… Are you signed up…
Appetizers for Every Letter
Holly Sinclair gave me a free copy of her amazing cook book, The ABCs of Appetizers, in exchange for an honest review. I enjoy cooking, when I have time. It seems like I don’t have much of that lately. The wonderful part of this cookbook is the ease of making the recipes. I got to…