Happy First Wednesday of the Month! May was… an exhausting month. There were a couple weeks there where I wanted to scream into my pillow because I was so overloaded with everything. But I’m no longer sick, our home is repaired, my car is working fine, school is out, and the social engagements are checked…
Tag: characters
Keep On Marching On #IWSG
I think the world was against me posting this morning. First, a nightmare scared my son, and I spent extra time snuggling with him, consuming most of my morning me-time. Then I got a 403 Forbidden message when I tried to access the admin section of my website. That seems to happen yearly, so I…
Entertaining Myself #IWSG
It’s the first Wednesday of August, and guess what! I’m co-hosting the Insecure Writer’s Support Group blog hop today along with Lisa Buie Collard, Lee Lowery, and Tara Tyler! Be sure to give them a visit. July saw my character hashing out his trauma with a long-hated enemy. I admit I’m disturbingly gleeful with how…
Into Month Six! #IWSG
It’s the first of June, and the first Wednesday of the month, making today Insecure Writer’s Support Group day! Woot! I’d hoped for less busyness in May, but that wasn’t the case. I faced urgent application changes at work, health problems at home, school events and overdue assignments, birthday parties to attend, and none of…
October?? #IWSG
This Wednesday snuck up on me. I was typing away during my morning writing time when I came to the sudden realization of what today was–Insecure Writer’s Support Group day! Wha? Already? I failed at my September goals. I didn’t once touch my Book 2 WIP, and my eating habits have been on a rollercoaster…
Books and Characters #IWSG
It’s August already. Can you believe that? I can’t. July passed by way too quickly, and now I’ve gotta figure out school stuff for my kids because that’s happening this month. There’s transitions I’m not ready for and scheduling I don’t know how to juggle yet. We’ll manage, I’m sure. But the impending event looms…
Crafting a Story of Mine
My son loves Minecraft. He loves it so much, he used his allowance to buy a picture-free Minecraft-themed chapter book from the school’s book fair. We’ve read it twice. It’s terrible. The plot is nonsensical, everything is telling, and the characters flip without a believable reason. Last night, my son proposed we read it for…
If I Can’t Write… #Art
I mentioned last week that I haven’t gotten a lot of writing done. I can’t bring myself to write when others are around (for one, I get distracted and all I type is gibberish, and for another, I feel compelled not to ignore my family). That might mistakenly lead to the conclusion that I don’t…
A Bit of Me #IWSG
It’s the first Wednesday of the month, meaning it’s time for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! What has me insecure this month? Honestly, not that much. My rewrite of my prologue passed critique group approval, and I’m halfway through rewriting my big battle scene. One of my fellow critiquers commented that my story is like…
I’m it in Rising Author Tag
Despite the low rating by critics and the sort, I enjoyed the movie Tag. But this blog post has nothing to do with that. Author C.G. Coppola tagged me in the Rising Author Tag. Not sure that I’m a rising author since it’s been years since I put out anything beyond a short story, but…