Whooboy! I still haven’t caught up with everything I need to do, even after my blog tour ended. But during the tour, people had a couple of opportunities to win a free e-book of This World Bites if they guessed correctly when I lied. First was at Melissa Maygrove’s: 1. After graduating high school, I…
Tag: e-book
IWSG – HTML and E-Books – Quick and Dirty
When you’re on a budget, sometimes you want to do-it-yourself. That includes e-Books. With some practice, you can create your own e-Book with free tools. The two I use are Sigil and Calibre. Sigil is an ePub editor that lets you build e-Books from scratch. It has two views: Book view and Code view. Book…
How to sign with Authorgraph on your phone
Authorgraph is a fun system that allows authors to digitally sign e-books. The recipient doesn’t need to be signed up for any service to receive it either. Since I struggled to find a way to use it for my first book signing event, I figured I would post something helpful that others may be able…