My goals this year haven’t changed much from previous years: family, fitness, and finishing the dang book. We’ll start with writing, since it’s the first Wednesday of the month making it Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. I’d hoped to finish book 2 of the big book series by the end of last year. That didn’t…
Tag: family
Life’s Roller Coaster #IWSG
Sheesh! It’s August already and the pandemic turmoil continues. Our school district decided yesterday to delay the start of school and won’t know until the 25th if they’ll do all online or an alternate day plan. The uncertainty of it all is stressful and frustrating, though I’m sure I’m not alone in that. My digital…
Discoveries and Accomplishing Nothing #IWSG
I wrote 562 words in April. That’s not really a pace that’ll get me to The End this year. Then again, that’s not all that surprising. I’ve had to use sick leave to step into the role as teacher for my kids. Even now, I’m looking at the clock, knowing I have to finish this…
What Happened To This Year? #IWSG
It’s the first Wednesday of the month, making it Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. What has me insecure? Not Finishing. One of my goals this year was to be done with Isto, the second book in my epic fantasy series. You’d think this would be an easy task, considering I’d finished the first draft early…
Finding the Write Setting #IWSG
Man, time is sneaking up on me. It’s been a scramble to try to keep up with everything in life, and that’s put me behind in everything else. It’s hard to believe that it’s already September and Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. I’ve got insecurities a plenty. Will I frustrate people with book 3’s timeline?…
Heartbreak and Emotions #Life
I had to say goodbye to one of my dogs on Sunday. One (sounded out as oh-nay) came into my life 14 years ago. She was a seven week old shiba inu puppy whom the owners had bought but hadn’t realized how high strung she’d be. She happened to be visiting the same vet as…
Controlling My Environment #IWSG
April was a stressful month with my husband hurting his foot and then back, my daughter getting sick, my son throwing violent tantrums, and my dogs nearly tearing each other apart. I got bit during that last incident and now my best friend owns a 10 year old shiba. The dogs love people, but the…
2018 Year in Review
Goals. Such a terrifying concept for me. I have a thing with starting stuff and never finishing it. I set goals, and never meet them. Well, back in January, I made known a few of my goals. 1. Meet all the criteria for the Colonel’s Challenge. I did all the weight lifting and exercise, though…
Eight Years #ParentLife
Eight years ago, something special happened. My daughter was born. It’s a bit of a shock to think about it. I mean, EIGHT YEARS. How can time fly by so darn quickly? One moment, I’m cradling an infant and next I’ve got a girl who is at the right height to act as an armrest…
Missing Friends #Life
Nearly fifteen years ago, my boyfriend as of no more than a month informed me we were going out to lunch. In fact, we were leaving right then and there, and we had to hurry because they were waiting for us. I was all sorts of confused, but shrugged, hopped in the car, and rode…