I mentioned last week that one of my goals was to map out all the scenes I’ll need to get to The End. I did it! I ended up with 12 pages of scene notes and summaries, 114 scenes, which should finish out the story at a total of 73 chapters. That number includes the…
Tag: isto
Schedule It, Or It Ain’t Gonna Happen
I intended to post last week. But the first day of school turned into a fiasco where I’d sent my son to school on a bus he wasn’t supposed to ride, on a day when there wasn’t even a session for preschool. To compound my stress, I missed getting my husband to the bus stop…
Setting Realistic Goals
A couple weeks ago, I told the world about teaming up with a friend to hold each other accountable. She has successfully met her goal for the past couple of weeks. Me? My character is still alive. Considering I’ve written over 2K a week, I’m not disappointed. But it does reveal that I’m horrible at…
It May Be Awesome #IWSG
After months of misery, I’m happy to report that life is AWESOME. Medical problems still persist and my house is a wreck, but writing wise, life is good. Last IWSG had me hoping I could finish chapters 8 and 9 in Isto. I did even better! I had breakthroughs on a character scale, decided to…
I’ve Had It Wrong The Entire Time! #AmWriting
I’m still on my LaTonya kick this week. Only now, I have inspiration! LaTonya’s been the toughest character for me to figure out. I thought I knew her, but it turns out I had it wrong. Okay, I didn’t have it totally wrong. Everything in my old post is still applicable. But I kept pushing…
A Monstrous Amount of Words
Me: Woohoo! I have 11 chapters done in Isto so far. Friend: Go you!! Me: Scary tidbit: 11 chapters is 60K. Friend: Holy f***, Dude. I’m not even halfway through, and I’ve written 143K toward what I believe is mostly keepable content for Isto. Crazy right? Of that amount, I’ve only got 11 chapters worth…
Maybe This Will Be The Year #IWSG
They announced the winners of the IWSG anthology this morning. I wasn’t among them, but my analytical side kicked in and I’m pretty sure why my story didn’t make the cut. Genre. It’s a fantasy anthology, and my story had little-to-no hint of the great fantastic. If anything, I’d classify it as supernatural, but there’s…
Just a Little Squirrelly
It’s been a crazy time at the Town’s End. Both kiddos ended up with fevers, my husband has been sick, and I had a medical detour that resulted in me bawling at the table while shoveling cheesecake and gummy bears into my mouth. Don’t worry, I’m fine. I just love cheesecake. And gummy bears. Health…
That Overwhelming Thing Called Life #IWSG
Egads. It’s August. That realization comes with the horrible knowledge that we’re three-quarters of the way through the year and I haven’t finished anything. Oh the excuses! I have birthday parties to plan, schooling to arrange, and a plethora of medical situations to deal with. Don’t worry, I’m fine. There was just a health scare…
She Has A Nice Personality #IWSG
The Insecure Writer’s Support Group is doing a new thing. They’re asking a question: What’s the best thing someone has ever said about your writing? By seeking out feedback, I’ve gotten helpful criticism. As a result, I know where my faults lie. Emotions—I’m terrible at manufacturing those moments that make people cry. Tension—How the heck…