November wasn’t great for me. I failed NaNoWriMo, barely surpassing the 16K mark. My kids and husband got sick, twice, and I had my own medical stuff to deal with. On the plus side, I did manage to potty train my son, so no more pull-ups for this squirrel. Thank goodness. I’d much rather deal…
Tag: iwsg
Opening My Big Mouth #IWSG
Indie Author Day is coming up this Saturday. When J.C. Jackson mentioned it, I got stoked and contacted the main Boise library to see how I could participate. There’s going to be panels, book selling, signing, reading…I had several options to choose from. In my email exchange, I happened to mention the only topic I…
Finding Time #IWSG
I had to chuckle to myself. One of those miserable, self-deprecating laughs. The Insecure Writer’s Support Group has a monthly question. Today’s Question: How do you find the time to write in your busy day? Lately, I haven’t (thus the laugh). I get 10 words here and there, but my calendar is packed with all…
That Overwhelming Thing Called Life #IWSG
Egads. It’s August. That realization comes with the horrible knowledge that we’re three-quarters of the way through the year and I haven’t finished anything. Oh the excuses! I have birthday parties to plan, schooling to arrange, and a plethora of medical situations to deal with. Don’t worry, I’m fine. There was just a health scare…
She Has A Nice Personality #IWSG
The Insecure Writer’s Support Group is doing a new thing. They’re asking a question: What’s the best thing someone has ever said about your writing? By seeking out feedback, I’ve gotten helpful criticism. As a result, I know where my faults lie. Emotions—I’m terrible at manufacturing those moments that make people cry. Tension—How the heck…
When Being Mean Gets You Into Trouble #IWSG
I’m one of those people who is vague about their story details online. It’s not for any fear of someone stealing my ideas; oh heck no. It’s because the mess inside my head is so darn complicated, I doubt anyone who isn’t bombarded with it regularly would really understand. I’m a master of confusing people….
Guess Who’s Co-Hosting? #IWSG
After spending some time enjoying this group, I decided it might be time for me to do a bit of co-hosting. I took this seriously, of course, and even planned my post in advance instead of scrambling to write it the morning of. That leads to my insecurity – The Plan. Twenty years ago (good…
The Formula for Happiness #IWSG
I was cruising Facebook a couple weeks ago and succumbed to clicking on a how-to article about happy marriages. Being a happily married person, I just wanted to see if the article got it right, or if it was a bunch of empty acorns. Unfortunately, I can’t remember who linked it or what the title…
Gotta Please the People #IWSG
I think many writers are people-pleasers. We want other people to enjoy our work. You get that review where the person states your story is their favorite, and you just swell with pride. That happened to me. You may or may not know of a project I participated in a while back called The Seven….
If You Weren’t My Friend, I’d Hate You #IWSG
Last Friday, I was showing my best friend the latest developments with my digital painting and a few pictures I’ve taken of Hero Guy. She and I have been hanging out weekly for the past 14 years. She’s seen all the many projects I’ve started (not necessarily finished). Often, she sighs and says, “You’re so…