It’s the season of new books so for the next couple of weeks, I’m loaning out my blog to friends who are releasing. Therefore today I’m bringing you things I’ve enjoyed recently. Many of you may have heard this one first one already. It’s popular on the alternative radio station here in Boise, and my…
Tag: music
30 Chapter Title Ideas
I waited until this morning to write my blog post. Then I found our wireless router had died, and my laptop didn’t have a connection. *sigh* That’ll teach me for procrastinating. My friends came up with a fun little writing challenge last night. Open your entire music library, hit shuffle, and then play on random….
Preparing for April
I have my chronological outline for Isto. Now, I’ve organized my playlist. It has a few new songs on it and a couple of songs have been dropped. Isto Playlist on Pinterest Here is the order they were intended to be played in (which isn’t the order they appear on the board): Dashboard – Modest…