I think many writers are people-pleasers. We want other people to enjoy our work. You get that review where the person states your story is their favorite, and you just swell with pride. That happened to me. You may or may not know of a project I participated in a while back called The Seven….
Tag: the seven
Signing Recap and a Chance to Win
Whooboy! I think I’ve finally gotten a breather. My house is clean, my family’s illness has reduced to the occasional sniffle and cough, and my husband fixed the leak beneath the bathroom sink that was threatening to flood our downstairs. Life is good. The signing last Thursday was fantastic. I met a few new people,…
IWSG – New Year, New Adventures
Today is the first Wednesday of the month. That means, it’s time for Insecure Writer’s Support Group! You can find the sign up for the IWSG here. We owe Alex J Cavanaugh a huge thank you for thinking this blog hop up. Edit: I’ve been offline for a while, so I missed the message that…
Monsters, Myths, and Mayhem
It’s time for an update post! Woohoo! On Monday, C. Lee McKenzie wrote blog post about log lines. I’d already planned this post with the log lines I have, but now I think I need to revise. What do you think? Monsters By saving his wife, he condemned his world. Isto, Thanmir War‘s sequel, has…
IWSG – How long is too long?
Today is the first Wednesday of the month. That means, it’s time for Insecure Writer’s Support Group! You can find the sign up for the IWSG here. We owe Alex J Cavanaugh a huge thank you for thinking this blog hop up. Do you ever get discouraged because of “rules”? This one terrifies me the…
The Not-So-Accidental Blog Tourist Hop
Hey look, I plastered my face to the top of this post! A while back, Carrie Butler tagged me in this Not-So-Accidental Blog Tourist hop. I wasn’t sure if I was going to participate, because it’s a lot like the one I did for Chrys Fey, and I wasn’t sure who to tag. But since…
Featured Photo Friday
This last Monday, I participated in a photo shoot for a local writing collaboration. We faced the heat and made our way to the Old Penitentiary. I decided to play with HDR for this featured photo, which seems to add a funky glow. But then, my photography skills don’t quite measure up to the professionals….