NaNoWriMo commences in T Minus 66 minutes. I have meeted *cough*(yes, I know met is the proper term)*cough* and greeted eleven other local participants and it was an interesting mix of veterans and newbies. From all walks of life, we converged in a pizza parlor with one passion shared among us.
I took my usual fly-on-the-wall stance and listened with interest to people’s ideas, uncertainties, and a lot of non-writing related topics. BTW, Sinclair is a Bieber supporter (don’t judge her Matt), Miriam (who has been mistakenly tagged as Kimberly’s long lost friend) and Dan are moving next month, and Bianca is a Dental Hygienist looking for a job. If you know any Dentists looking for help, she’s your gal.
I sat between Rachel, who has decided to step from school-driven literary fiction and try NaNoWriMo for the first time, and Christina, a multi-year participant and winner. Had I not found out Rachel and Sinclair had just met each other, I would have assumed they were best friends. While Sinclair has several cats, when the topic arose, I discovered that Christina has a dog and a cat, playing to both sides of the spectrum. Me, I have three dogs and my husband is allergic to cats, so you probably can see where I stand.
Michael has refrained from joining the social media network giants (you won’t find him on facebook or twitter) and has divided his time between writing, research, and having a drink here and there. Cathy told the tale of her woefully moral writing teacher who, instead of giving her feedback about how she can improve her craft, instead went down the path of content theme. Really, that’s not the way to give criticism. Leave your values out of her critique lady. Geez!
Bianca has a wonderful accent (Australian) and I think she and Christy were friends prior to tonight’s shindig. Christy seems to be in the same boat as I where we both have a young one desiring our attentions. Matt has the know on the libraries and, get this, has a social life. Sinclair was a bit bitter about that last part. Kimberly, though she prefers Horde, is basing her NaNoWriMo story on her worgen. Miriam and Dan are married, Miriam works in a bookstore and Dan helps her with her editing. While Kimberly has comma abuse symptoms, Miriam apparently doesn’t use enough. Dan is also a musician, and I believe it was stated that he plays all instruments.
I had fun.
I now have a half hour until the much anticipated start time arrives and I had honestly not thought I’d be awake right now to see it. Guess a Red Bull and two iced teas will do that to you…
Love it! It was so good to meet everyone last night. 🙂