It’s been a whirlwind of 12 weeks that started with the birth of my son. Since then, I’ve faced an epidural headache, jaundice, cold & flu, a jealous 3-year-old, a speeding ticket, the birth of a niece, the death of a grandfather, meeting new friends, creating a business, costume making, scraping by on NaNo, and releasing my book.
Today, I returned to work.
It’s like I never left.
I’ve jokingly told my husband that insanity awaited my return to work. I work with a couple of fitness nuts, and they’ve decided to switch from the P90X workouts to Insanity. Seeing I hate cardio, I was pretty sure it was going to suck. It did. I’ve gone 12 weeks without a workout, and I had been lax even before the baby came. But I pulled off 30 burpees, 45 pushups, 60 crunches, 30 wall ball, and 30 box jumps … all before I even took the fit test. Needless to say, I did pretty darn crappy on the fit test (I did 3 jack pushups! Whoopee!). But since I’m supposed to do it every 2 weeks, it’ll look like I’ve achieved mass improvement next time.
I returned home to happily see that my husband survived his turn at stay-at-home parenting (he’s on task through the end of the year). I admit I was worried. Our son has been exclusively breastfed for the past 8 weeks and getting him to take a bottle hasn’t been easy. But, like his sister, he snubbed the expensive bottles and chose the $2 one we bought at the grocery store. Should’ve known.
Life is slowing down and settling into something I might call my old routine. I hope to soon get to take up critiquing again, seeing that I had to set that aside while juggling my son’s every whim.
I wanted to take a moment to say thank you to everyone who helped me spread the word about Thanmir War’s release. I gave out over 100 free copies of my book and I am ecstatic. If you happened to download one, Thank You. I would love any feedback you have for it. And if you have time to post a review, I would truly appreciate it.
I hope you and yours are staying warm if you’ve had the same onslaught of cold weather we’ve had!
I still can’t believe you did all that with a new baby! LOL You’re my hero. 🙂
My milk started drying up when my twins were about 7 mos old. I finally had to put the exclusively nursing one on a bottle a couple of months later. I dreaded it as I filled the bottle with formula. I just KNEW he would fuss and cry and refuse. But no. He got a funny look on his face at first, but when he realized there was there was food in there–and plenty of it–he guzzled it without a single complaint. He took it! And from ME!
Congrats on Tanmir War. Wishing you much success.
Thank you!
My daughter had been mix fed, so she took to the bottle pretty well. But it seems my son just plays with it. *sigh*
Twins are a handful. I can barely deal with one at a time. I don’t know how you do it!