Whooboy! I think I’ve finally gotten a breather.
My house is clean, my family’s illness has reduced to the occasional sniffle and cough, and my husband fixed the leak beneath the bathroom sink that was threatening to flood our downstairs.
Life is good.
The signing last Thursday was fantastic. I met a few new people, missed a few people, and saw some familiar faces from last year’s signing.
This year, there were six of us who pitched in for the event (three more on top of the three of us from last year). It brought the venue and appetizer costs down, and it attracted more visitors. That, combined with the brand new anthology from The Seven, added to the success.
I came prepared this time. Last year, I took and sold 11 books. This year, I sold a total of 29 books. That paid for the cost of all the books (not just what I sold), as well as my part of the venue costs. I even came out $10 ahead, with books still on hand. (Anyone want a signed copy of This World Bites, Thanmir War, or The Ancient?) 😉
No major road blocks popped up. I had cash change, my business partner’s card reader worked, and people liked my swag. I gave away a lot of pens, and had several people impressed that I had temporary tattoos. The tattoos probably would’ve been more popular with a younger crowd, but a good number of people exclaimed that it was a great idea.
My husband made me some really cool poster-sized printouts of my book covers! I’m going to frame Thanmir War. I already gave This World Bites to Dani (my cover model).
I should’ve ordered business cards, but it was something I didn’t get done before the signing. Ah well.
I tried to make a video, but the upload appears to have made it super choppy. I don’t blame you if you flinch and turn it off:
Okay, that’s it you’ll hear from me about the signing.
So what’s this “Chance to Win” deal I mentioned in the blog title? The Seven are looking for reviews. We’ll give you a free review copy of The Ancient, and if you send me a link to your Amazon review between March 15th and April 1st (though we would appreciate other review sources as well), you’ll be entered in to win a $25 Amazon gift card, or a rare copy of The Ancient signed by all seven authors (not something you can get unless you’re willing to travel from the west coast to the east in order to track us all down).
On the non-writing front, I got to do a craft of cracked marbles with my daughter the other night. A quick trip to the dollar store, 20 minutes of 500 degree baking, and then some old nail polish made these beauties:
I thought about reviving my Featured Photo Fridays. I have a few pictures I’m willing to post, but finding content in a busy life seems to be tough. My posting wouldn’t be consistent. So you just get the occasional artistic take on something I thought was nifty. 🙂
Have you done any signings? Would you like a review copy and a chance to win? What do you think of the marbles?
Doing a signing is something I’ve considered. But realistically, I just know I’d be setting myself up for a failure there.
But I’m glad to hear you’d a good time with your second signing. And the marbles look really pretty.
Thank you!
Do you know other local writers in your area? I know you’re pretty remote, but if you can do a group event, it might help bring in multiple people. Some people who showed up to see Sherry wound up talking to me for a time, and bought some of my books. Maybe as a group, you could generate enough buzz that it wouldn’t be a failure?
I wish, but sadly no.
What a great time! That looks like such fun. 🙂 One of these days, when I’m better able to travel, I hope to go to events and meet up with my writing buddies.
Those cracked marbles are cool.
I think your reading was pretty cool. 🙂
Looks like the signing was lots of fun! I liked your massive amount of pens 🙂
It was fun. 🙂
Good that you came out ahead even if it only was $10. The event looked nicely organized and everyone appeared to have a good array of product and swag. This really looks fun.
I did enjoy the definitely choppy and not very well-lit video. At least it gave us a look at what was going on. Maybe next time you can bring someone along to shoot the videos more smoothly and so you aren’t multi-tasking.
All in all this was a good report.
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out
Yes, cinematography was not a profession I was born to do. 🙂 I winced afterward when saw the part where I pointed the camera at Rochelle and said, “This is Renee…” *sigh* Bringing someone along to film for me would probably be a good idea.
Congrats to you on all counts, from coming out in the financial black to your partner’s credit card reader working! The event sounds like a blast, and it’s great that the illnesses have finally given up on your family and moved on to torture someone elses’s. 😉
Wow, twenty nine books! Woohoo! Sounds like a great signing. And I love the idea of authors joining up together to cut costs and raise the audience numbers. Brilliant. 🙂
Glad to hear it went so well! And seriously – 29 books? WHAT. That’s awesome. Congrats girly!
I’m so happy that your signing went well and you had a blast. Doing a signing with a few different authors is a good idea. I feel as though if I did it myself, no one would come, but if there are other authors involved, a lot more people would go to it. I’ll have to hunt down some local authors to do that in the future. 🙂
My town isn’t really into sci-fi, so I haven’t done a signing. A group of women I lunch with once a month is thinking about doing one as a group. Glad things are going well. The marble craft looks fun.
I usually try to avoid saying “I told you so, but I can’t help it – I KNEW the signing would be fantastic!! I’m so psyched for you 🙂 And psyched too that things are finally settling down and everyone is feeling better.
So wait, are you serious about those extra signed copies? Cuz I will totally take a signed copy of Thanmir War. How much is it? Email me 🙂
I loved watching your video of the signing! I felt like I was right there—and whoa, that’s a lot of pens! 🙂 So glad it turned out so well!
I might have to try that marble craft…those turned out so pretty!
Filmed in confuso-vision! Hey, the video was fun.
Glad you did so well and were prepared. Posters are cool. My publisher sent me one they made for my series and it’s up in my office. I really dig it.
That’s great your signing went so well. Your little video was fun! Now I have a voice to put to the Ninja. Squirrel! 🙂 Those marbles are so lovely.
you are adorable!! I LOVE your video, I felt like I was a part of it! so happy for you! I’ve never done a signing but can’t wait for the day! 🙂
Congrats! Sounds like an awesome day all around. 🙂 Happy for you! Also, pretty marbles.
Aloha Loni,
I was going to say you must have lost your marbles with all the work you did, but then I read the end of the post 🙂
In all seriousness… I’m really impressed you had all those things going on… I haven’t done a signing – yet – but you and your friends put a lot of effort in – and I’m glad it paid off, in more ways than one 🙂
PS: I would try the arts/craft thing… but my three boys would only cry and tell me not to hurt their marbles 🙂
My husband said, “You might not have lost your marbles, but you’re showing signs of being cracked.” Ah, one of the many things I love about that man. 🙂
Best not make your boys cry!
I’m so glad you had a great time at the signing.
I’ll accept a review copy. sharif(at)sharifwrites(dot)com. I can read it within a few weeks.
Great report, Loni. Good job and enjoy that $10! Most importantly you’ve got readers out there and that’s wonderful.
29 books is great! Sounds like you had a successful signing!
Here’s to coming out $10 ahead! And your trick with those marbles is very cool. I just may have to try it.
How fun, Loni. I’m so excited for you. Going to go look for you on amazon now. Glad things are working out. Over here, I feel like the craziness is only beginning. 🙂
I’m glad the signing went well! And I’m glad everyone is getting better. What a great idea to make posters of the books.
It sounds like the book signing was a great success! Congrats! And those marbles are beautiful!
Glad that the signing went well for you.
LOVE those marbles. 🙂
The marbles do look very cool – seems like something to use in an art piece for decoration. Never would have thought of baking glass in the oven. O_o And I’ve never done a signing; have to have something more than just one short story published, methinks. Hopefully someday.
Hi Loni!
Sounds like the event was a success! Congrats.
A joint author signing collaboration sounds like a fail-proof way to go. Smart move.
Loved all your swag! 🙂
….and the marbles are really cute.
1. Sounds like the signing was a wonderful success. The video was fun! 😀