It’s the season of new books so for the next couple of weeks, I’m loaning out my blog to friends who are releasing. Therefore today I’m bringing you things I’ve enjoyed recently.
Many of you may have heard this one first one already. It’s popular on the alternative radio station here in Boise, and my daughter requests to hear it before bed every night. It’s a powerful remake of Simon and Garfunkel and even Paul Simon has given his approval of it.
Disturbed – The Sound of Silence
Next is another one my daughter requests. When my husband and I first watched this video, we burst out laughing, which is perhaps why my daughter isn’t scared by it. My husband likened it to Dungeon Keeper, and I found Brendon Urie’s wild expressions particularly entertaining, but I happen to be fascinated with crazy.
I will warn that the video has theological implications. If you aren’t keen on watching people turn into demons, well, you’ll probably want to avoid this.
Panic! At The Disco – Emperor’s New Clothes
On a separate music front is a TV series I have been obsessed with for a while now. There’s only 8 episodes in the first season and 10 in the second. Each episode is only 22 minutes long to fit into a half-hour slot, so I can rewatch the entire series in a day, and trust me, I have.
I adore this show and my daughter has jumped on the fan bandwagon with me. It’s a fairy tale musical comedy called Galavant.
Now, this is my kind of humor, so it pokes fun at itself and is riddled with inuendos. I know that’s not for everyone, and fortunately it flies over my daugther’s head at the moment. She loves it for the music, which is composed by Alan Menken, the same guy that brought us all those wonderfully catchy Disney scores.
This is how the series starts:
Oh, and one of the best parts of this series is King Richard, played by Timothy Omundson who was in another favorite TV show of mine, Psych.
And this guy can sing too!
I’ve even added one of his songs to the lullabies I sing my children. I’ve only linked the audio for this one because it comes at the end of the season and I don’t want to spoil anything with visuals.
There is a lot of fun in this series including princesses, pirates, dragons, dwarves, giants, and zombies. (I couldn’t find a high quality version of the next song so you get one with non-English subtitles.)
Lords of the Sea
I can’t reiterate how much I LOVE this series. I bought the soundtracks for both seasons and listen to them constantly. I also own the series in digital format and have signed the petition to get DVDs released. Next on the list is to get the T-Shirt.
If you enjoy silly musicals, I’d highly recommending checking this one out.
Have you heard of Galavant before? Do you like musicals? What do you think of Disturb’s remake? What did you think of the Emperor’s New Clothes video?
P.S. Sorry for the long post, Sarah. 😉
Great music featured today Loni. I absolutely love The Sound of Silence and the Disturbed’s version does the original justice. I love his haunting, deep voice. Just brilliant. Thanks for brining music to my day! Have a great month!!
I thought the remake song interesting and different. Don’t watch Galavant, not much into sitcoms but it was interesting,
Juneta @ Writer’s Gambit
Haha! Are you kidding?! I loved every second of this, watched all the videos, and got to the end (my brain addled a bit – in a good way) then saw your comment and was all, “Huh? Oh, me? What? Oh! Pithy posts. Right.”
Holy crap. I love S & G’s The Sound of Silence and had never heard/seen the version by Disturbed. It’s quite…powerful. I love it.
Also like the slow transformation into demon. (And singing skulls.)
Galavant!!! That is hilarious! Im laughing so hard! That’s bloody brilliant.
(Sorry for the ridiculously long comment.)
What?! You just introduced me to this and they’ve cancelled the show?! Is this true?
It’s unlikely it’ll come back, but I’ve signed the petition for a third season! I’m mostly ecstatic that I got a second season because they actually did cancel it and brought it back. The title for the first episode of season 2 is A New Season aka Suck It Cancellation Bear. They at least gave us a decent close to the second season, in case they don’t make it back again. Joshua Sasse (Galavant) is in a different series now, so they’d have to make it without him.
Haha! ? They didn’t! Is that the actual title???
Well now I’ll get to binge-watch the whole series. That will be fun.
P.S. My 9-yr-old now loves Disturbed’s cover of Sound of Silence. Thanks. ?
We tried Galavant. We had to. (We’re total theater people.) But, oh but… It was just too full of innuendo. I needed more actual substance to watch more.
What a beautiful rendition of Sound of Silence! That other one was so well done–just crazy fascinating.
I’m afraid I haven’t watched Galavant.
And I’m all right with people turning into demons in music videos.
I’m delighted you and your whole family are being entertained, especially by crazy demon faces! I stopped watching TV about a year ago. No time. I miss it though…
Nice version of “Sounds of Silence”. This was new to me. I won’t replace the original for my listening preference, but it’s interesting.
Well done effects in the second video. I have my theories about videos, etc with people turning into demons, but I won’t go into it here as it would be too long of a comment.
Haven’t seen Galavant not to mention a whole lot of other things.
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out
Slow transformations into cheesy demons? Singing skulls? The ending does rather remind me of DK. Nostalgia, man.
Loved Disturbed’s version of an old fav. As for Galavant… Where has that been hiding because they were hilarious. Bloody NZ TV, not showing us the good stuff… I barely watch anything nowadays because it’s all the same.
I have heard of Galavant but I’ve yet to check it out. So many things to watch and so little time! 🙂
I keep playing this version of Sound of Silence. Hope its still playing on the radio when I get to Boise end of September. Good radio stations there. First heard Adele on a Boise station when visiting last.
Don’t think we get Galavant here in UK, so might have to do some catching up in the Fall. My kind of show, it seems.
That’s too bad you don’t get it in the UK. It was filmed there!
I really like Disturbed, but I haven’t heard their take on this song. So good!
I haven’t heard of Galavant before! I love this remake by Disturbed! I could listen to this song over and over. Thanks for sharing all of these cool songs!
Interesting version of the Sound of Silence. I love the haunting piano. I’ve heard of Galavant but haven’t watched it. I do like musicals so I’ll have to check it out.
I’ve heard of Galavant, and I tried watching a little of it, but something about it didn’t click with me. Which kind of bothers me, since it seems like the kind of thing I’d love. >_< That is a bummer that it's not going to keep going, as the world needs more odd TV shows like that.
I love musicals. I had not heard of Galavant before. Thanks for sharing these songs.
Galavant sounds like a lot of fun. I’ll have to look it up.
I really liked Sound of Silence. When I first clicked on it, and there was no sound, I thought there was a problem. 😉
I’m loving Disturbed’s version of Sound of Silence and Galavant sounds like a fun series to watch. 🙂
I’d heard that cover of Sound of Silence and I liked it, powerful version. Don’t think Galavant has hit UK shores but it looks like fun!