Procrastination is my biggest downfall. I’m the type of squirrel who rushes around gathering nuts just before winter hits. Back in high school, I used to arrive early to finish my homework before class.
With age apparently doesn’t come wisdom, because I really should know better by now.
Last Wednesday, I had a quick referral meeting about getting my son into preschool. Fifteen minutes tops. Pre-Meeting, I thought, I’ll go home afterward and get some words down before I pick up the kids from daycare. During the meeting, I mentioned my husband was considering switching which daycare the kiddos attend. The meeting gals nodded and made a suggestion. Woot! I’d check it out on my way home.
I stopped by the suggested daycare and yes, the place looks excellent. Except they’re booked for my son’s age group. After getting on the waiting list, that prompted me to remember I wanted to see about getting my daughter into a local club for the summer. I’d first started considering this back in January and here it was June.
Procrastination anyone?
Phone call one: the first club location was full. Oy Vey! After a bit of back and forth with my husband, we picked another location. Phone call two: Yes, they have openings, but they are going quickly and you must attend an orientation before you can register. Orientation is held on Wednesday night at 5PM and if you’re late, you’ll have to come back the next week. I checked my watch. It was 3:30.
Good thing I’d gotten off early for my son’s preschool meeting.
Oh, but they require the kids be at least going into first grade (check!) and six years old (doh!). The girl doesn’t turn six until the fall. But I could take a report card to the orientation to prove she’s doing well in school and they might give her a pass.
Next stop, Elementary School!
After getting her grades from the school, I popped over to pick up my daughter so I could get to a different part of town (technically another city) before orientation started. Thankfully, my husband was able to get my son so that I didn’t have a rambunctious little boy running around during it.
By 5:45, I’d gotten my daughter squared away for the summer, using my smartphone to register her as soon as the orientation was over. It’s first come, first served, and my daughter really liked the place and I liked the opportunities it provided. It’s en route to my husband’s work, and inexpensive compared to daycare.
But guess what. I still haven’t squared away my son’s care, which was what prompted this entire mad dash. I’ve been checking out a number of places, most of which don’t have availability. Last night, though, I think I found the spot. I just need to fill out the paperwork to get him registered before his class reaches capacity.
And I didn’t get any writing done either.
Do you ever procrastinate? What would you consider your downfall? Have you ever dealt with child care woes?
Of course I procrastinate. My blog posts are rarely in on time. I’m always scrambling to finish my chapters in time for submission to my crit groups. I’m always carrying out the trash to the curb just as the garbage truck is pulling up to our house.
Even as I’m typing out this comment, I know there are probably at least three other things I should have already done.
I am a master procrastinator. I learned that early, which is why I force myself to do things right away and long before a due date. I guess I’m still procrastinating – I just do it last.
Hope you can get your son into that preschool.
Oh my goodness! Crazy day. I might procrastinate about writing sometimes, but not anything else. I’m the far planner. My hubby is the procrastinator.
That sure was a lot of running around. I hope you can find a good day care for your son soon!
That sounded exhausting! Yes, unfortunately, I procrastinate too.
Sounds like you had a tiring time. I’m sort of glad I only have one little possum. She’s rather hectic on her own, two of them might just destroy my last shred of sanity. I’ve not done the daycare thing because I’ve been a stay-at-home mummy since halfway through my pregnancy, unless you count preschool… then it was a breeze owing to our rural setting.
My procrastination tends to happen with food… I need to get this done (because something or the other at home had me out all day), so I’ll eat in a little bit… *several hours later* Eh, dinner’s not too far away, I’ll eat then. It’s not like I don’t have reserves.
I am amazing at procrastinating, though I’m trying to get better about it. Which reminds me that I need to look into preschool for the little one among other things I’ve been putting off. x.x
Oh man, that’s a whirlwind, I feel for you! I only have one, and some days child care makes me want to just cry. He goes back and forth between three different baby-sitters (two are family), but in July he’ll switch to just two, as the third is having a baby. But then my sil who was going to pick up the extra day isn’t now, so now I have to find someone else for that day. I really want a 2nd child, but do cringe at imagining the dance I’ll be doing then. =)
I do, but it’s because I’m so busy.
I’m a list-maker. I’m much better at getting things done if I have a to-do list. And it works well *IF* I can get myself to make the flippin’ list. LOL
I’d call your mad dashes successful, so don’t even worry about procrastination or not. All of us are crazy busy and if it all gets done in the end then that’s a big check in the “Win” column.
I’m the world’s worst procrastinator so I could definitely sympathize with your situation. I hope this new place you’ve found works out!!
Your kids are so darling. Love that picture.
No child care here, but I do procrastinate on pretty much everything :p
I do my best not to procrastinate, but it still happens. >_< Most of the time I can say "Okay, time to do this now", or set myself a deadline, since I'm ridiculously strict about my deadlines. But for far too much of my general "adulting" behavior, yeah, it's way too easy to just say that I'll do it later. I've found that doing things right when I'm thinking about them makes it a lot easier.
I haven’t had that craziness with the childcare, but procrastination? All the time. I make a to-do list and still procrastinate. You’d think I would have learned by now that things are so much less stressful if I do them in advance, but nope. Doesn’t happen, very often anyway.
Congrats on getting your daughter’s care set up. Good luck with your son’s!
Well, that sounds fun. And much the way it is around here (except for the getting stuff done part). I’m a Procrastination Master. It’s leaked into every area of my life. I have no suggestions, but support in the Procrastination Club. Or…if you can think up a better name that’d be great.
You might call how long I’ve been taking on this book procrastination, but it’s not. I’m more the “it needs to be done, do it now” type. Unless it’s house repairs. Speaking of which, I need to get started on school prep for this fall. So much to do, so much to do!
Procrastination gives me anxiety, so I try to do everything as quickly as possible. I was that kid who did the entire project the first week when we were given a few. I know – nerd!
Procrastination is definitely my downfall as well! I think many writers have that problem. I was better in high school, but procrastination definitely hit hard in college. I wrote so many essays, reports, lesson plans, etc in the late night/early morning before they were due. That’s part of why I struggle with getting any writing done, because my creative juices kick in at about 10-11pm and I have to get up for work, so it’s write or sleep…frustration!