It may come as no shock or surprise to you that I’m a bit twisted. I’m that person in critique group who points out a character and says, “He’s going to die.” The author might follow up with, “Well, actually, no…” but I shake my head and insist, “Nope, he’s going to die.” Because, you know, someone always dies in the story. Who cares if it’s a romance? Pfft!
You can also hear me cackle maniacally as I kick my characters off cliffs, turn them into sociopaths, and vaporize love interests.
Yeah, I know. I’m twisted.
So when my short story, Happily Ever After, was accepted into an anthology, A Bit of a Twist, it just seemed right.
This is a first for me. See, up to this point, I’ve either self-published my work or contributed to compilations where I was invited to participate. I did submit some of my work to a publisher in the past, and it was rejected, but this story is my first submitted piece that was accepted through the whole gate-keeper process.
Last week, the anthology hit the digital shelves! I’d love it if you picked up a copy on Amazon, because I had fun writing this story, or you can read it for free through Kindle Unlimited if you have it.
Do you like short stories? Are you a bit twisted? P.S. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and wonderful Holiday season.
Loni that’s awesome!! And I personally love the way you think. LOL in my group, I’m always the person who calls the plot–or voices what I think is about to happen next. I just like to put myself in the writer’s shoes and see if I can anticipate the next move they’d make. I always enjoy being wrong because it means they were creative and surprised me. Anyway, congrats again!!! I’ll check out the anthology.
Thank you!
Congrats Toni! And hey we’re writers. We’re meant to be twisted. Edgar Allen Poe said it best, “I am a writer. Therefore I am not sane.”
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
Congratulations, Loni!
Will do Loni!
Big Congrats!
That’s wonderful news! I love the anthology title too – probably because I’m a little bit twisted too 🙂
Congratulations, Loni! Well done!
I’m not even going to answer the am I twisted question – you’ve read my stuff. That says it all. 🙂
That cover is the coolest!
I’m twisted, too. 😉
Congratulations!!!! And Merry Christmas!!!!
Congratulations! ^_^
And I know I’m a little twisted, it just rarely comes out in my stories because I tend to like happy endings. But I’m trying to let it out more. >_<
Hey Loni, that’s awesome! You should feel proud of yourself – look at how your hard work paid off 🙂
I also wanted to let you know I tagged you for February’s First Day, First Paragraph tag. Check out my last blog and it’ll give you the rules. Again, congrats!
Loni, that rocks! HUGE congrats! You know, there’s nothing wrong with killing characters. It’s when your editor insists you bring them back to life that you’ve got a problem. (True story!) Ugh. Hey, I hope you’re having the best 2017!
You know I’m a bit twisted, too.
I love a good twist. And I love your writing. So, needless to say, will check out the anthology. Congrats! 🙂