November kicked off pretty well on the writing front. If you’re not familiar with NaNoWriMo, it’s where people everywhere try to write 50K in 30 days. This is my 7th year going for it, and though I failed the past two years, I think I’ll make it this year. Why? Because this year, I have a plan. I took the time to map out all the scenes I’d need to take me from beginning to end of book 3, that way I’m not having to mess with the timeline post-writing like I did with Isto. I’ve already deviated, but I’m not worried since all the big coinciding events happen later in the book. Want to see my progress? Here’s the badge!
So you might wonder, with me keeping pace with where I should be, how am I insecure? Well, this book is different from the other books. Unlike its two predecessors, it isn’t linear. It changes based on POV from present day, 5 days ago, 5 years ago, and 25 years ago. They all converge eventually into present day about halfway through the book. It’s the way the story has always been in my head. But will it work? Will my tension suffer because of it? Guess I won’t know until I finish writing it.
IWSG Question of the Month – How has your creativity in life evolved since you began writing?
Well, not sure if this counts for the question, but I’ve gotten better at drawing my characters from the writing. Despite my mind being thick with the characters of book 3, my sketching is still in book 2. Here’s my latest work:
I’m still learning, practicing, improving. I’ve changed Derek’s hair style and focused on making him more masculine while keeping the comic flare. You can compare to my previous versions.
About Insecure Writer’s Support Group
You can find the sign up for the IWSG here. We owe Alex J Cavanaugh a huge thank you for thinking this blog hop up.
Do you NaNo? Have you ever written a non-linear story? What do you think of my latest artwork?
Your creative talents are really wonderful. I do love the color and Derek’s new hair. I wish you luck this month. I’ve never tried Nano. For now, I write too slow. I can’t wait to hear more about how the story comes to life for you. Happy IWSG Day 🙂
I think with timelines like that you need have your plot in good shape, or nano would send you over the edge! (Looks like you’ve got it sussed though 😉 )
Good luck with nano, happy writing 🙂
Nice sketch!
That’s a lot of timelines to juggle. But if it works in your head, you can make it work on paper.
Keep after that NaNo win.
Go, go, go!
Oh, my, gosh! Your drawing is amazing! Is it bad to admit that am I bit jealous? I know I’ve said this before but I can’t even hang a picture straight in my house let alone draw something. Just amazing! Glad to hear you’re off to a great start. Keep it up!!
Look at that awesome word count! Keep at it! 🙂
Great artwork! And congrats on even ATTEMPTING NaNo. You are a brave, and sounds like, prepared, woman, so you will do well! That next book will fall in no time. 😉
I’ve always wanted to do NaNo.
Just keep writing. It’ll come together in the end.
I didn’t know you were participating in NaNo this year. Gah! I’ve still never tried it. Seems like you’ve got a good plan so… Go for it. Good luck and, win or “lose”, you’ve won because you’ll get some major work done. Also, love the characters. 🙂
Hooray for that word count! That’s awesome!
My NaNo project is Book 3 of my fantasy series, so I’m just trying to work my way through my storyboard and get something down for all of those planned scenes marked ‘Not Yet Started’. I’m sure there’s far more than 50,000 words in there somewhere.
And I love your character sketches—I wish I had your artistic skill. They’re just fantastic.
Great illustration! The multiple POVs and time shifts sound like a lot to keep track of. I don’t know if I’ve got the guts to go for multiple POVs, let alone time shifts, anytime soon. Good luck with NaNo. I signed up but I’m so behind in my wordcount.
Here from Alex’s blog. Let me begin by saying, “Wow!” your picture is amazing. If you ever decide to go into business making book covers let me know. You’ve got talent kiddo.
Beautiful picture, as usual! And Hey, as long as it makes sense in your brain, you’ve got to write it that way. It’s your vision/story after all 🙂
PS good luck with Nano!
I love your NaNo plan and I’m sure you’ll win this year. And… and that pic is awesome. Beautiful and awesome. I love it so much that I could go on for several repetitive pages. 🙂
Anna from elements of emaginette
Oh darn it. I thought it was 30K in 50 days, or at least that’s what I WISH it was. 😉 I’ve given up on 50K already, and I’m aiming for 30. Wish me luck! Your timeline for the new project sounds really interesting, and I wish you the best with that as well. 🙂
Oooo, your Nano project sounds delightful! I love when things move around like than and then come together.
Wonderful paintings – beats using sort-of photos for characters. Great to see such a good NaNo word count – planning has always worked for my wins in previous years.
Even if the tension suffers, you’ll still be able to go back and add more as needed. The important thing is to finish.
I hope you’ll still have time to read over my chapters during NaNo. Good luck with the writing.
A lot of times I don’t like non-linear storytelling, but when it’s done right then I think it can be very effective. That approach can get very confusing to a reader or viewer when there is not enough clarity.
Good luck!
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Good luck with NaNo! I like the structure of your book. I’ve got a story idea that will involve different POVs and different timelines, so complicated story structure never bothers me.
I have never done NaNo, must give it a try sometime. I must say I enjoyed your post very much.
Good luck! I love doing NaNo. It’s the push I need to crank my story out into the real world.
That’s great to hear that you’ve planned in advance and are making great progress. You’ve got this!
So much talent. Love your artwork. Happy IWSG Day.
I enjoy seeing your artwork and drawings.
Sounds like an interesting story. And you have a great plan for this month. Good luck!
I loved the picture of your characters! What a great cast you have.
Non-linear stories can be really magical if done right. If you’ve got it all mapped out, you should be fine. Good luck with NaNo.
Love it! And good look with NaNo!
The nonlinear plan sounds intriguing. And — yay: PostIt notes. Congratulations on taking on NaNoWriMo!
Awesome characters! You’re doing great with NaNo! I’m cheering you on! 🙂
I love your artwork. Plus, unless I’m mistaken, don’t you make incredible costumes for your children too? That definitely counts.
Whenever I’ve popped in on you re: NaNo, you’ve been doing well. You’re so close to the finish line. No time for insecurity–you’ve totally got this!
I’m late to the party, but I see you won. Congratulations!
That’s great that you plotted out your story before starting the challenge. Hope it made a difference!