Ah, March. The month of so many things, and here we are, already to the first Wednesday. Since it’s Insecure Writer’s Support Group day, I’ll wait until next week to talk about the Colonel’s Challenge results. Today, I’m going to talk about the same thing I talk about every first Wednesday: my book.
I’m not insecure about my writing today. According to my assessment, I only have 5 chapters left to edit. I started the year with 8 to go. Since then, I’ve finished about 12 of them, some getting updated more than once. But really. Only 5 more chapters…
I swear.
It’s not perfectionism. And it’s not editing just for the sake of avoidance either. I’ve tightened the magic system. I’ve removed one-off characters that were quick fixes in a pinch. I’ve cut out extraneous details that don’t improve the world building or play a role in the plot. I’ve set up a character’s power so that when he uses that power during the important events, it doesn’t feel like it comes out of nowhere. I’ve cut infodumps. I’ve added emotional validation for a character’s feelings.
Looking back at Thanmir War, I see its flaws. I see how I could’ve improved my main character, increased the tension, cleaned up the story itself. I’m determined to do better with Isto.
So no insecurity today. Today I’m hopeful. Confident.
IWSG Question of the Month – Everyone has a favorite genre or genres to write. But what about your reading preferences? Do you read widely or only within the genre(s) you create stories for? What motivates your reading choice?
I don’t typically read widely, but I’m not strict to my genre. My childhood was filled with nightmares courtesy of R.L. Stine’s Goosebumps. Then I hit pre-teen and dove straight into Piers Anthony (Xanth) and Terry Brooks (Landover series). At my mom’s prodding, I tried Christian fiction with Frank Peretti and a middle grade series I don’t recall the title of. I dabbled in noir and sci-fi. I devoured the historical Outlander series (Lord John Grey novellas are my fave). I’ve picked up espionage thrillers, murder mysteries, and even a bit of erotica. I laughed through satirical comedies and screamed in exasperation at how every Christine Feehan paranormal romance book was the SAME FREAKING BOOK. I’ve even read nonfiction, though that’s more for self-improvement rather than relaxation or enjoyment.
But the reading I enjoy most falls into the Urban or Epic fantasy genre, which is where I spend most of my time. In the past month, I’ve finished Shakespeare for Squirrels, The Blade Itself, and an old anthology called Mean Streets. I took a stab at Crave but couldn’t stop laughing when the YA girl’s heart pattered at the brooding young man with the high-rise cheekbones and chiseled jaw that could cut stone. Currently, I’m a quarter of the way through Rhythm of War (460K!), book 4 in the Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson. It’s writers like Sanderson who make me feel comfortable with my 180K novel, despite the teasing of my critique group.
I don’t know where I’ll go from there. Maybe you can suggest something?
What genres do you like reading? Are there any books you would recommend? Do you like to try different genres?
About Insecure Writer’s Support Group
You can find the sign up for the IWSG here. We owe Alex J Cavanaugh a huge thank you for thinking this blog hop up.
No insecurities and feeling confident – way to go! So happy for you 🙂
Piers Anthony – there’s a blast from the past. I used to read him when I was younger. Tempted to delve back into those fabulous worlds he created.
Sounds like you are doing really well with your writing. Way to go!
Here’s to The End! Five chapters and you’re there. Congratualtions.
Stay confident!
I’ve read most of Terry Brooks’ books but could never get into Sanderson.
That’s awesome that you are so close to finishing your editing. I’ve heard great things about Sanderson, but not read anything by him. I enjoy fantasy but really like books that are about 400 pages or less.
I’m glad to hear you’re feeling confident about your story again. Let me know when you’re ready to allow other eyes to see it.
Since you mentioned Sanderson, I’ll suggest his Allow of Law series. It’s kind of like urban fantasy, but the setting is more Industrial revolution, with a little of the wild west. It’s really the inspiration for my current WIP.
I remember reading the Xanth series. I loved them until I started feeling like Anthony was mailing it in. I recall thinking that his later books looked to have been written in less than a week. I now know better. 🙂
Wow! You are on a roll!!! I’m so happy for you! I don’t sway off my main genre much but I do read all topics in the general audience.
Hooray for confidence and for only having five chapters to go!! I’m so excited for you!!
I tend to read nonfiction for self improvement, too, but I’m trying to branch out with that this year.
Have you read Ninth House (Alex Stern #1) by Leigh Bardugo? I think it’s considered Urban Fantasy? Not my usual go-to genre, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Your word count made me snicker. I recently learned that Tolkien had to send his Lord of the Rings’ manuscript in an orange crate. Now that’s a lot of words. So you go girl.
And congrats on all the hard work. Well done!
Anna from elements of emaginette
Shakespeare for Squirrels – that book was written for you! LOL
YAHOO! 5 more chapters! By our next IWSG you will have them completed! Good Luck!
What a wide selection of books! I’m impressed. I read prehistoric fiction, Indies, or nap. Much narrower!
BTW, I love your blog. I’m looking to change mine and you have done a lovely job on this.
Five chapters is nothing! Keep hammering at it! Of course, one of your books is like, three of mine, so for me that’s nearly half a book. So maybe I should keep my mouth shut… 😛
I’ve had the Blade Itself sitting on myself for years and I keep meaning to get to it…
Five chapters to go! You rock!
Sanderson is prolific, as was George RR Martin, but both kept me reading. Christine Feehan will be forever known for her idiotic attempt to trademark the word “dark” following close on the heels of Cockygate.
As far as my own reading, I’m open to almost everything, anything that gives me new information or a new experience.
Five chapters, Loni, that’s fantastic! And like you said, the revision is making the story stronger. Bravo, my dear!
Okay, Loni, so many writers, once they look back at earlier work, wish they could change things. I think we all do that. So stay positive. You can do this! All the luck with your WIP.
It sounds like you’re being really productive with your editing! I love when I’m able to figure something out that isn’t working and make it better.
I also loved the Outlander series! Congrats on making editing progress.
Yay for confidence. It’s great when that’s the mood.
I loved your math at the top. Started with 8 chapters, edited 12, and now 5 left to go. That sounds a bit like how I do things, too.
I love reading fantasy – my favorite genre to read and to write. I need to read Shakespeare for Squirrels.
Sounds like you’ve read around and found what you love. I enjoy urban fantasy, but not the ones that are detective stories with just paranormal elements. I’m more into the powerful beings living among the regular people.
I love reading a wide variety of genres. I posted for IWSG day today. My post included a new book by a friend, a message about a free book next week, a tweet about a query contest (LGBTQ romance this round), and a quick message about April Blogging from A to Z Challenge.
Congrats on the very real progress! It sounds like you have a grip on what needs editing and how to go about it—and that’s a lesson that makes all the difference.
I read widely when I read. But generally I don’t read much these days.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
It sounds like you read lots of different things still.
For some reason, I pictured you signing about just five more chapters. 🙂
Yay for confidence!
You totally got these last five chapters. Everything in your post is positive. Love it. And loved Goosebumps too! Ah, childhood.
I love well written urban fantasy, especially YA.
Kudos on your editing going smoothly.
May your muse dance continuously on your shoulder.
It’s always nice to report when you’re not feeling insecure. =)
Five more chapters left to edit? Yay! That is great progress!
Yeah for confidence. It does wonders. And yeah for Brandon Sanderson and his loooong books. I love that Stormlight Archive series.
I appreciate an author who cares about getting a story as perfect as it can be.
I never read RL Stine. Probably a good thing. I was prone to anxiety as a child.
Sounds like the editing is going well! It’s a great feeling when things get worked out and fall into place.