Ah, November–a time to try to cram everything in. There’s holidays and medical appointments and school productions and shopping to be done. It’s usually a month where I’m overloaded with things to do that it’s amazing I get anything else done. That leads directly into:
IWSG question of the month – November is National Novel Writing Month. Have you ever participated? If not, why not?
I have. I’ve participated 8 times, won 5 times… and in doing so have landed myself in the mess of book 2 plot problems that I’ve spent the past half-decade trying to fix.
As a result, I’ve chosen to abstain for the 2022 season. I’ve made steady progress on book 2 this year, averaging 3K a month as I rework the main character’s subplot into the bigger overall story arc. It’s been a deliberate and methodical process to make sure the story A) makes logical sense and B) keeps moving in the right direction that I don’t want to disrupt anything by throwing myself into a challenge.
I’m on the sixth version of this book–and when I say version, I don’t mean drafts and edits, but complete plot shifts, setting changes, and thousands of words that couldn’t be salvaged. Version 1 had my character abducted. In 2, he was trying to cure a dying people. For 3, I completely rearranged events across multiple POVs to fix pacing problems. Version 4 afflicted my character with an illness he’d inadvertently taken on. And 5 was the bad idea of me splitting the book in two that left me stalled out for years.
I’m confident version 6 will be the one that sticks.
I need to get this book done, and I need to get it done to my liking. That won’t happen if I distract myself by jumping into another book or forcing words in this book that don’t fit my end goal.
But maybe next year!
Do you participate in NaNoWriMo? Have you ever gotten yourself in trouble because of it? What plans do you have for November?
About Insecure Writer’s Support Group
You can find the sign up for the IWSG here. We owe Alex J Cavanaugh a huge thank you for thinking this blog hop up.
Glad you think version 6 will work. I admire you for changing your plot so drastically to make your story work. I’ve never had time for NaNo.
You’ve put so much effort into it – may version six rock!
-Impressed, inspired and encouraged by your radical revisions.
I’m working on some drastic but, I hope, important changes right now,
not just changes of status, occupation, but resolution – where is this leading.
Make that trying to work, between preparing to welcome stressed visitors, and fielding emails
from the builders.
May it be fantastic and just right this time. That’s a lot to rewrite each time. But I get it. I’ve tried NaNo, but it’s not for me. Too much pressure to just write that it does create a mess. I rather move a bit slower — I still have to rewrite — but it’s not such a mess.
Your commitment and dedication is astounding. May this version be the one that sticks! And good luck with all the other craziness – it’s the time of year for non-stop life stuff that just seems to constantly get in the way.
Sixth time’s a charm?
I’m sure this one will stick. After all this work it has to. 🙂
Anna from elements of emaginette
I don’t do NaNo either. I’m too slow at everything I do.
And yes, this version will be THE version!
Well said. Another reason I don’t nano.
Oh my. What a mess. Yeah, it sounds like NaNo isn’t going to work for you this year. Good luck with your rewrite.
I admire you for sticking with it. Here’s to version 6!
Your title could be on my post this month, but I’ve never participated in the challenge, whereas, you’ve given it the good old College Try!
You will prevail. I will always believe such efforts will pay off.
I hope your version 6 does it.
I never participated in NaNo. I don’t like the pressure to produce words associated with my fiction writing.
Nano has its time and place for many of we who do it. If you’re already writing then you don’t especially need the prompt and the prod.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Your commitment is commendable, I wish that your 6th version to be a success 🙂
Sending positive vibes your way. After all this work, you want to get it done. No, you don’t need NaNo.
I admire you for completing so many NaNos! You go, girl! I think it’s a wise choice to spend your time fixing your WIP. Hope that number 6 is the charm for you!
Good luck with version 6! Good idea not to jump into a new story this month.
i feel your pain on plot shifts, holes, and blocks! i’m stuck in the mud of two incomplete and lacking drafts that i’m having trouble finding motivation to finish… i need a lot of time to think and rework that i just don’t have!
wishing you luck on draft 6!