Happy First Wednesday, All! Summer has passed in a flash, and we’re already gearing up for school here at the Town’s End. It starts in a week. Neither kiddo is really looking forward to it. My daughter is excited about moving to the next stage of education, but she is dreading waking up for the early High School start times. My son doesn’t like school work, nor does he enjoy class. He is ramping up to play four square with his friends and hanging out with his Roblox bud in person after a summer of gaming with him online. At least he naturally wakes up prior to his school start time still.
I didn’t get to do as much as I wanted to with the kids this summer. Normally I plan something for every other week, but this summer, I think the vacation kind of sapped all my do-stuff motivation. There wasn’t any swimming, no roller skating, no park visiting–though, the lack of outdoor activity was largely due to the terrible air quality, constant smoke, and triple digit temperatures. I hope to at least hit the arcade this weekend, but some events will have to wait until after school starts. Things like the Fair, a couple trips to the go-kart racing place, and maybe using a coupon to visit the local water park. Maybe.
A lot like my summer plans, my writing has also been doing a lot less than I had hoped. I’m on chapter 5 of book 1. Out of what will probably be 60, given my current preference to make deeper chapters with fewer scenes. *hangs head* My local critique group is getting punished with multiple resubmissions as I find I get a burst of motivation when I get feedback. Currently, I find it most effective to submit the unedited chapter, get feedback, then submit the edited one for the next meeting. Doing it this way, however, would mean this taking four years because we only meet every other week. I don’t think I want to spend another decade just trying to finish another book. *sigh*
Book 2 is looking pretty good, though. I’ve implemented big-picture feedback from a couple of betas, and I’m still going through Critique Circle for the individual chapter reactions. It should run its course by the end of October.
IWSG Question of the Month – Do you use AI in your writing and if so how? Do you use it for your posts? Incorporate it into your stories? Use it for research? Audio?
I use the grammar suggestions from Pro-Writing Aid in my writing, usually for correcting spelling or fixing commas. Sometimes I accept suggestions for tightening sections, but not always. I do use TTS (text-to-speech) frequently, as I absorb information better when I hear it. I catch missing words or wrong words in my writing, or hear when the flow of words doesn’t quite land right. I’ve tried generative AI once, and I couldn’t get it to produce something I liked. I guess I’m just too picky. I research, so a touch of AI is unavoidable, but I don’t chat with the engines to get answers.
I’m not pro-AI, nor am I fighting against it. I don’t like unethically sourced data, but as a programmer, I appreciate tools that make people more effective and efficient. I don’t begrudge people who find value there. I just don’t feel some aspects apply to my goals, so I dismiss them. Like I said, I’m picky.
How was your summer? Do you use AI? How are your writing goals coming along?
About Insecure Writer’s Support Group
You can find the sign up for the IWSG here. We owe Alex J Cavanaugh a huge thank you for thinking this blog hop up.
My significant other is a software engineer & he shares your views on AI. I try to avoid it as much as possible, but I know I can only avoid it so much.
Best of luck with your editing and revising projects. Nice to hear that Book 2 is looking pretty good. I’m still trying to figure out if my Book 3 can be (and/or should be) salvaged.
There’s only so much you can do with the heat, etc. Hope you all have fun at the arcade this weekend!
Well done with Book 2. Keep at it!
Oo, the heat really played into my not doing a whole lot outside this summer too.
YAY Book 2!
I used AI here and there. I don’t shun it but I don’t really know how to use it yet for writing–other than ProWritingAid to find my errors in grammar. 😅 I could see it might be useful for brainstorming–or at least that’s what all the booktubers tell me. 😁
I can’t believe we’re ready for school to start again. Yikes! As to Ai, I’m interested in what it will do and how it will be regulated. Such a big tool and nobody really knows how it’s going to affect us and our world.
I look at AI as a tool as well. It can come in handy for some things, and I may learn to use it more later. For now, it’s all about demand and I don’t need it to write. 🙂
Anna from elements of emaginette
When it’s too hot, outside activities are a challenge.
Kids go back to school so early now. It’s still summer until September!
I like your approach to AI: use when needed. I might do it to, if I ever get off my lazy bum to investigate.
I hope you have a fun weekend. It must be hard to get motivated to do things outside when it’s so hot out. I agree with you that Al is a tool.
Summer has definitely flown by! Hope you still have time to do something fun with the kids.
It does seem that time itself has picked up pace of late. School back in session seems earlier every year and gives me the anxious feeling that I’ve left something in the trunk I should run back for. AI gives me a similar feeling, except I want to run and put my writing IN the trunk 😉
I like your attitude about AI. I wish more people would see it that way.
Good luck with your writing.
We haven’t gotten out to do much, but then it is really hot and humid here. (And currently there is a hurricane.) We do more late fall to early spring.
So much heat can definitely sap the energy. In CA, they now require high schools to start later (so, instead of starting at 7:30, they start at 8:30). It has not helped with tardies. But I like it so much better.
Slow and steady wins the race. (There is an actual video on YouTube where a tortoise races a hare and wins.) It may seem like it’s taking a long time to finish your book, but don’t judge your journey by those of others in your group. You go at your own pace. It’s what works for you.
Happy back to school.
Triple digit temps and smoky air do not sound fun! We’ve been fortunate with our air quality this year. Previous years had lots of smoke for us. I hope you guys get to do some fun activities before the weather gets wintery!
It seems that school has started early this year. Summer has certainly flown by. Sorry, you didn’t get to have as much fun as you would’ve liked. Happy to hear you’re pleased with book 2!
Summer is going by too fast here too. I told myself it wouldn’t but it is. It’s not fair.
Good luck with back to school and the new book!