Today being the first and being Wednesday took me by surprise, and I completely spaced IWSG. But hey, look, it’s not quite lunchtime over here in the Mountain time zone, so I think I’m good. Though, this means I will be late when it comes to visiting others. I’ve had some writing leaps and bounds…
Category: Writing
Older and Wiser #IWSG
March flew by for me, and I was busy with all the things from celebrating my birthday and having fun on spring break with the kids to less fun events that ratcheted up my anxiety to fresh new levels. But all my personal chaos aside, let’s talk writing. Rewriting book 1 is a bigger undertaking…
Beta Ready? #IWSG
Happy March! It’s the first Wednesday and I’ll be slow to visit people, as I’m off to a career fair with my daughter most of the day. I’ve made significant progress on book 2, and I think I’m to the point of asking for beta readers! I did decide yesterday I needed to tweak one…
Month Two, Already? #IWSG
I totally spaced today’s post. It’s that whole second-week-of-the-month timing that catches me. Whoops. I’ve been hard at work trying to get my POVs rewritten, and it’s pretty mind-consuming. I struggled and struggled with introducing a detail to one POV. Eventually, I decided I’d skip trying to put this detail in its own chapter and…
New Year, New Goals #IWSG
Welcome to 2024, Everyone! Guess what?! I finished my zero draft of Isto before my end-of-year, self-imposed deadline! Here’s a little animation I made of me and Derek dancing in celebration. (It’s my first animation, so please excuse the poor quality.) Having completed the rough draft of version 6, I now move on to editing….
Will I Beat the Clock? #IWSG
It’s the first Wednesday of the month, and the last Wednesday of the year. Much to my chagrin, I haven’t finished my book yet. It’s not for a lack of trying. I just spent three months trying to get one chapter to work correctly. After redoing it multiple times, I think I got it to…
Almost There #IWSG
Happy November everyone! I had really hoped to be announcing my success with book 2. Alas, life’s activities kept creeping in, and my visions for last few scenes never solidified. I did make major progress, though, and I overcame a mega scene hurdle that had me stuck for months. Woot! Now, all I have left…
Wrication #IWSG
Happy Insecure Writer’s Support Group day! I’ll be slow to visit this week, because I’m on a wrication (that’s what I call it when I take vacation for the sole purpose of writing). My goal is to finish this version of the book this week. If you aren’t familiar with my struggles, I’ve had 6…
That Didn’t Go as Planned #IWSG
I had big plans for August. I was going to cut back on Red Bull, eat healthy, exercise, spend more time with my kids, and all around be super mom. A week into it, and everything got derailed. My dog died on the 8th. Inu was old (15 years), and we were thinking he wouldn’t…
Mistakes Made #IWSG
The summer flew by, and I feel I accomplished a decent amount these past couple of months. I’ve taken the kids to the swimming pool, arcade, zoo, fun-zone amusement center, and we’ll be hitting the fair later this month. I’ve also made good progress on book 2, finally working out the details for my last…