I don’t take many pictures of people, except for my husband and children. If you follow me on Instagram, you’d know they’re my most favorite subject. So today’s featured photo was a bit different for me. As a habitual DIYer, I try everything (within reason) myself and then consult the experts if I fail. I…
Category: Writing
The Monsters Are Free – WIP No. 1 – Isto
Here it is. I’m finally getting around to writing about my WIPs. I’ve divided them into three categories: Origination Stories, Niniers, and Cera Chronicles. Color Key: Green – Production ready Aqua – High Priority Blue – Medium Priority Purple – Low Priority Today’s featured WIP is Isto, book 2 of the Niniers. Each of the…
Versatile Blogging?
Sarah at Are You Kidding Me?! nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award. Sarah cracks me up. Her tidbits involving her family never cease to entertain me, and I find her stories extremely relateable. You should check her out, especially if you have kids. The rules of the VBA (which still stands for Visual Basic…
IWSG – Celebrating Creativity
Today is the first Wednesday of the month. That means, it’s time for Insecure Writer’s Support Group! You can find the sign up here. We owe Alex J Cavanaugh a huge thank you for thinking this blog hop up. Last month, I talked about my worry that no one would read my book. It’s one…
How I Found the Write Path
Carrie Butler is celebrating her blogiversary! She’s hosting a blogfest called How I Found the Write Path. See who is participating, and sign up yourself. The Prompt: Please write a letter/note to yourself when you first started writing toward publication. Since I often talk to myself (in third person even), this was easy. Below is…
IWSG – The Pains of Being Epic
Today is the first Wednesday of the month. That means, it’s time for Insecure Writer’s Support Group! You can find the sign up here. We owe Alex J Cavanaugh a huge thank you for thinking this blog hop up. My novel, Thanmir War, is epic fantasy. When I released it in December of last year,…
26 take-aways from the #atozchallenge
Whew! April is over, and I’ve compiled my list of take-aways from the A to Z challenge. April is a good month to take vacation from work Bloglovin’ is a wonderful tool to track blogs that interest me Call for criticism earlier to encourage constructive feedback Daily blog visiting is too stressful for me Exercise…
Murder Most Fowl – Part Z #atozchallenge
It’s late. I’ve redone it three times, and honestly, I’m still not satisfied. It could be funnier. I left some loose ends. I’m not sure I covered all my bases. It’s also about 300 words longer than the other segments. *sigh* But a challenge is a challenge. And Now, I present the conclusion to Murder…
Z end
Well, guess I fail the A to Z challenge. The fact is, I don’t have Murder Most Fowl – Part Z written to my satisfaction. And I don’t want to post it if I’m not proud of it. You’ll see it before the end of the day, but not right yet. My apologies.
Murder Most Fowl – Part Y #atozchallenge
For the A to Z challenge, I present Murder Most Fowl, an unedited serial story from the unpublished Cera Chronicles. Please excuse the grammar mistakes. This hasn’t been critiqued yet. If you’re just diving into this story, you may want to start with . Yelling carried down from the hole overhead, and a figure obstructed…