With the end of June coming in just a couple of days, I’ve been reflecting on this year. It hasn’t been the greatest. I had my share of emotional breakdowns, lamented the many medical issues plaguing my family, and despaired that I wouldn’t finish anything. But there’s no point to focusing on the bad, right?…
Setting Realistic Goals
A couple weeks ago, I told the world about teaming up with a friend to hold each other accountable. She has successfully met her goal for the past couple of weeks. Me? My character is still alive. Considering I’ve written over 2K a week, I’m not disappointed. But it does reveal that I’m horrible at…
It May Be Awesome #IWSG
After months of misery, I’m happy to report that life is AWESOME. Medical problems still persist and my house is a wreck, but writing wise, life is good. Last IWSG had me hoping I could finish chapters 8 and 9 in Isto. I did even better! I had breakthroughs on a character scale, decided to…
I’ve Had It Wrong The Entire Time! #AmWriting
I’m still on my LaTonya kick this week. Only now, I have inspiration! LaTonya’s been the toughest character for me to figure out. I thought I knew her, but it turns out I had it wrong. Okay, I didn’t have it totally wrong. Everything in my old post is still applicable. But I kept pushing…
A Monstrous Amount of Words
Me: Woohoo! I have 11 chapters done in Isto so far. Friend: Go you!! Me: Scary tidbit: 11 chapters is 60K. Friend: Holy f***, Dude. I’m not even halfway through, and I’ve written 143K toward what I believe is mostly keepable content for Isto. Crazy right? Of that amount, I’ve only got 11 chapters worth…
Clinging To Optimism #IWSG
It’s the first Wednesday of the month. Though I’m rolling in at a later-than-usual hour, I’m here for another edition of Insecure Writer’s Support Group. I mentioned last month how March shoved my head into the ground. April thankfully gave me a week of reprieve. Of course, I had to curse myself by excitedly telling…
I’m At Jeri’s #AuthorInterview
Jeri Walker is interviewing Idaho authors and I had the great honor of being one of her chosen. You can check out the interview on her site! Maybe you might discover something you didn’t know about me. 😉
According To Plan #IWSG
March wasn’t the best month for me. You’d think it’d be otherwise, with it being my birthday month and whatnot. Though I enjoyed the day of turning 35, a couple weeks before I was an emotional wreck. See, early in the month, I started a diet and exercise program. Eight weeks of RushFit with slow…
Time Flies As They Say #MyFirstPostRevisited
Have you ever wondered why I started blogging? Most likely, you haven’t. That’s perfectly okay with me. But Sarah Brentyn at Lemon Shark created a blog hop called My First Post Revisited. She tagged me, and—with much cringing—I jumped back in time to six years ago to a blog that’s been hidden from public view…
Gettin’ It Done #IWSG
My #1 goal in writing this year is to finish Murder Most Fowl. Actually, it’d been my goal to publish it last year. Unfortunately, I couldn’t figure out how to get from one place to the next in the story. Well, throw in an explosion, change the time of day, remove a character from the…