Today’s featured photo is in honor of my favorite holiday. Valentine’s Day! I have a number of romantic photos I considered for today, but this one seemed most appropriate. Though romance is one aspect of love (a big one!), I wanted to have a more universal feel. Love for family. Love for friends. Love for…
Let Me See Your Face
Do you know someone who is bad with names but good with faces? Or maybe you’re one of those people? If the answer is “No” on both accounts, well, let me introduce myself. My name is Loni. I remember faces, not names. Google is amazing. They have connected so many different services, your profile (and…
Featured Photo Friday
It’s been a bleak, wintry landscape over here this past week. To remedy that, I bring you water colors! This is me trying out different angles instead of a straight on shot. My daughter is a wild artist. Tie-dyed strips of glued together paper seems to be her favorite creation as of late.
IWSG: Chasing Dreams
The Insecure Writer’ Support Group‘s purpose is to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! A decade ago, I watched the movie Cheaper By…
Featured Photo Friday
This one is a bit abstract. We recently replaced our shower curtain. The water caught the light just right. I decided snag my phone and snap the picture. Don’t worry, I avoided getting my phone wet. What do think? Do you like abstract art? What pictures inspire you?
Typography: The Ellipsis
These three little dots confuse the heck out of me. I’m never sure when to follow the ellipsis with a period. If the thought is drifting off (not interrupted), and then switches in the next line, do I end it with a period? It was as if … Derek looked to the side. No, it…
Featured Photo Friday
This featured photo had me grinning as I took it. I debated on different names for it. I settled on: Ignorance Is… I’ve added a lightbox plugin to my WordPress, so the image should open in a nice dialog now. You won’t be redirected to Flickr anymore. It turned out grainier than I’d like, but…
Typography: Becoming a Better Writer
I’ll admit it. I judge based on looks. I was given a book around Christmas time. After a quick flip through, I winced. The book was blatantly self-published. Now, I’m not saying I’m a pro when it comes to book publishing—far from it. Everything I know, I’ve learned through self-study. But even to my untrained…
Featured Photo Friday
I titled today’s selection Romance Writer. I have a slight obsession with notebooks, particularly leather bound ones. I received a new one, plus the awesome metal feather pen (it came with it’s own ink well *cheer*), from my sis-in-law for Christmas. The rose was courtesy of my super sweet husband. What do you think? Any…
If you’ve followed me for some time, you’ve probably seen me mention The Book Designer. Halfway through each month, Joel has a post about e-Book cover designs. I’m always looking for ways to improve, so I submitted Thanmir War for December’s collection. Joel will make comments just below each cover if he has them, and…