November sped by. It passed way too quickly for me, and I can’t believe it’s already December. I had hoped to rewrite book 1 this year. I thought, since it’s already a finished book, it should be fairly easy. Alas, that isn’t how it’s turning out. If it’d been a matter of words, I probably…
Tag: digital painting
I’ll See You In September #IWSG
It’s the first Wednesday of the month, meaning it’s Insecure Writer’s Support Group Day! Woot! I netted 16K in August toward book 3, which is a decent chunk for me. If you’re wondering (which you probably aren’t) “what about book 2?”, well, I did convince myself that the changes I have planned (and have been…
If I Can’t Write… #Art
I mentioned last week that I haven’t gotten a lot of writing done. I can’t bring myself to write when others are around (for one, I get distracted and all I type is gibberish, and for another, I feel compelled not to ignore my family). That might mistakenly lead to the conclusion that I don’t…
Blurble Blurble #IWSG
It’s the first Wednesday of the month. That means it’s Insecure Writer’s Support Group day! What has me insecure today? Well, for one, my blurb is never good enough for me. Last week, I talked about my blurb. I’ve redone it again with some help from Elizabeth Seckman. She’s the ruler of the broken. He’s…
One Million Words #IWSG
Though I didn’t intend to take a hiatus from online life during the month of May, it happened regardless. Now you might be thinking the post title implies how many words I wrote during my time offline. Sadly, that’s not the case. But it is how many words I consumed. When it comes to “reading”,…
Sneaking Online
It’s amazing how unproductive I am when staying home with children. These past couple of weeks, I ignored my writing, fell behind on my critiquing, and accomplished nothing of what I actually planned to do. My daughter got her tonsils and adenoids out, so I’ve been hanging out with her, keeping her pain level under…
Stuck and Distracted #IWSG
The first Wednesday of each month is Insecure Writer’s Support Group day, and today is that day. I haven’t blogged in a while. Not that I don’t have much to say, but I’ve been too distracted to write it down. I pushed myself hard in the realm of exercise and am pleased to say I’ve…
2018 Year in Review
Goals. Such a terrifying concept for me. I have a thing with starting stuff and never finishing it. I set goals, and never meet them. Well, back in January, I made known a few of my goals. 1. Meet all the criteria for the Colonel’s Challenge. I did all the weight lifting and exercise, though…
NaNo Here I Go #IWSG
November kicked off pretty well on the writing front. If you’re not familiar with NaNoWriMo, it’s where people everywhere try to write 50K in 30 days. This is my 7th year going for it, and though I failed the past two years, I think I’ll make it this year. Why? Because this year, I have…
Digital Painting and Sales
As you may or may not know, I’ve been trying to improve my digital painting this year and my focus tends to be my characters. I managed to capture personality in my comic style, but I can’t help but want to see what other styles might suit me. I opted for something a little less…