September flew by, and I struggle to fathom where the time has gone. I expected this, but it still shocks me that it’s October already. The first Wednesday of the month makes it Insecure Writer’s Support Group day! What makes me insecure this month? The fact I’m starting this month’s writing the same place I…
Tag: isto
I See You, September #IWSG
I switched up my standard pixabay lighthouse picture for one generated by Wombo Dream. AI art is getting impressive, controversial as it is. September kicked off much as I expected—a lot of running around doing kid stuff as school resumes. I’ve been busy since late last month, and I don’t foresee it calming down until…
Entertaining Myself #IWSG
It’s the first Wednesday of August, and guess what! I’m co-hosting the Insecure Writer’s Support Group blog hop today along with Lisa Buie Collard, Lee Lowery, and Tara Tyler! Be sure to give them a visit. July saw my character hashing out his trauma with a long-hated enemy. I admit I’m disturbingly gleeful with how…
Chipping Away #IWSG
It’s July! Heat’s in, fireworks have mucked with the air quality, and I’ve finally managed to get to a headspace where I’m not overwhelmed. June was good, despite being busy. I got to watch AJR in concert, which was awesome. We started the long and expensive process of orthodontic work for my daughter. My friends…
Into Month Six! #IWSG
It’s the first of June, and the first Wednesday of the month, making today Insecure Writer’s Support Group day! Woot! I’d hoped for less busyness in May, but that wasn’t the case. I faced urgent application changes at work, health problems at home, school events and overdue assignments, birthday parties to attend, and none of…
Mayhem, Of Course #IWSG
It’s the first Wednesday of the month, making today Insecure Writer’s Support Group day! I wish all of you Star Wars fans out there a happy Star Wars day. May the 4th be with you! I’m actually writing this blog post early and using the schedule to make it publish on the right day. I’ve…
Book 2’s Back On! #IWSG
You might notice a new look to my site. I decided it needed a refresher since my old parent theme wasn’t getting updates anymore and the dropdowns no longer functioned. I switched to this new one, and though I’m not sure I’m in love, it’ll do. (EDIT: I just noticed the url is missing from…
Well, That Was Fun #IWSG
As I went to write my post this morning for Insecure Writer’s Support Group, I was presented with a wonderful 403 Forbidden error. Yay. It seems every few years I lose my site and I have to dig to get it back. As I stepped through the troubleshooting and nothing worked, I relented and reached…
And One Became Two #IWSG
It’s the first Wednesday of June. JUNE! We have this month and the year will be half over. What makes me an insecure writer today? The same thing that’s been plaguing me for flippin’ years! Book 2. Or should I say Book 2, divided by 2? Critique partners are amazing. I love them. I have…
May Take A While #IWSG
Happy May everyone! Today, my parents have been married for 48 years. Woot! I hope you join me in wishing them a very happy anniversary. 🙂 I didn’t accomplish much toward my personal goals in April. We had our big launch at work, followed by a frenzy of fixes and tweaks. It didn’t leave much…