Here it is. I’m finally getting around to writing about my WIPs. I’ve divided them into three categories: Origination Stories, Niniers, and Cera Chronicles. Color Key: Green – Production ready Aqua – High Priority Blue – Medium Priority Purple – Low Priority Today’s featured WIP is Isto, book 2 of the Niniers. Each of the…
Tag: isto
The Hero Takes a Back Seat
I’ve noticed something odd with my current work-in-progress. Isto, book 2 of the Ninier series, is sitting at 123K at the moment. Only 16K of that belongs to my hero. It’s the lowest word count of all my POV characters (so far). I’ve sat and pondered why this might be the case. Had I fallen…
What can I say? I like snakes. (Photo by Bryant Olsen – Flickr Creative Commons) I love being a pantser. Isto isn’t plotted. Oh, I know where I need to end up and major events that have to happen in between. But as far as outlining–that stuff isn’t for me. I struggle with writing chronologically,…
April ended yesterday, and with it, Camp NaNoWriMo. I had high aspirations for Camp, but it turns out it wasn’t meant to be. For a while, I had blamed the fact that I didn’t want to get up in the mornings. Then I slowly came to realize that it was not so much that I…
Camp is Underway
April is here, and I’ve put aside my editing and started writing again. It feels good. Much of my preexisting writing—little scenes which I’ve scribbled down over the years—won’t work anymore due to plot changes and must be rewritten from scratch. A couple can be salvaged, such as Nicholas’s acceptance of when he first became…
Preparing for April
I have my chronological outline for Isto. Now, I’ve organized my playlist. It has a few new songs on it and a couple of songs have been dropped. Isto Playlist on Pinterest Here is the order they were intended to be played in (which isn’t the order they appear on the board): Dashboard – Modest…