I hope you all had a Happy New Year! Since the first Wednesday of the month was the first, Insecure Writer’s Support Group was bumped a week and landed on today. Man, it’s already been a busy year with a forgotten dentist appointment, a trip to the pediatrician, and a meeting with the principal scheduled…
Tag: writing
Racing The Clock #AmWriting
Please let me know if you’re prompted with a CAPTCHA in order to comment. I added a new plug-in to cut down on the amount of spam I get from my contact form, but I don’t want to inconvenience blog interactions. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Britney Spears. Britney Spears who? Knock, knock. Who’s there? Oops,…
Doing All The Stuffs #AmWriting
Before I get into today’s post, I want to say thank to everyone. Life has slowly been making its way back to stability. All of your condolences have been heartwarming, and I appreciate it. Now, onto writing related stuff. Have you ever wanted to do so much that you find yourself uncertain where to start…
Blurble Blurble #IWSG
It’s the first Wednesday of the month. That means it’s Insecure Writer’s Support Group day! What has me insecure today? Well, for one, my blurb is never good enough for me. Last week, I talked about my blurb. I’ve redone it again with some help from Elizabeth Seckman. She’s the ruler of the broken. He’s…
I’m Missing Something #AmEditing
I’ve been working my way through Isto, listening to the chapters through my text-to-speech program. One thing I’ve noticed is the sheer number of missing words I’ve come across that my eyes just skim over. Take this example. Five different people besides me have read it and no one noticed: Cameron threw himself to his…
Tackling Life and Making Progress #WinningAtLife
It’s taken me half a month longer than hoped for, but I finished my rewrite of my final battle! Now I’m gearing up to go through the whole book again and tidy up things like the consistency of the main character’s hunger and checking to make sure the moon coins are the right colors. But…
A Bit of Me #IWSG
It’s the first Wednesday of the month, meaning it’s time for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! What has me insecure this month? Honestly, not that much. My rewrite of my prologue passed critique group approval, and I’m halfway through rewriting my big battle scene. One of my fellow critiquers commented that my story is like…
One Million Words #IWSG
Though I didn’t intend to take a hiatus from online life during the month of May, it happened regardless. Now you might be thinking the post title implies how many words I wrote during my time offline. Sadly, that’s not the case. But it is how many words I consumed. When it comes to “reading”,…
Stop Distracting Me, Companion Novel!
Last week, I faced the realization I’m going to have to rewrite a lot of things to improve book 2 of my series. I’m pretty amped up about it, because I’ve figured out a way to change things to make the hero’s chapters actually tie in to the main plot and the final battle. The…
A Daunting Task Ahead #IWSG
It’s the first Wednesday of April, and as with every first Wednesday, it’s Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. I got feedback on Isto last week. On Tuesday, I had a sit-down with a beta reader who’s been with me since the first terrible draft of Thanmir War. She went over her notes for Isto, including…