Well crud. You might have noticed I hadn’t posted the past couple of weeks. Yeah, I figured I’d let my blog slide while I dealt with offline stuff. It’s the last day of January, and it would seem 2018 is following in 2017’s steps. I had an MRI last Wednesday, and I’ll find out next…
Tag: writing
Life’s Hammer Hits Hard
Well that sucked. I got sick over a week ago, and that took me out for a few days. I managed to bounce back a bit for the holiday, and then crashed hard with a different set of illness symptoms a few days later. Due to all the injury that’s happened in the family this…
Never Gonna Keep Me Down #amwriting
It’s been a rough couple of weeks. Between illness, entertaining children (the bottles being one of the projects we’ve done), trying to fix my website plugins, and other projects, I haven’t been allowed much time to write. I’m only halfway to my goal of 50K for NaNoWriMo, and I’ve only got 8 days left in…
It’s Gonna Be Huge #AmWriting
I mentioned last week that one of my goals was to map out all the scenes I’ll need to get to The End. I did it! I ended up with 12 pages of scene notes and summaries, 114 scenes, which should finish out the story at a total of 73 chapters. That number includes the…
Wow, October Already? #IWSG
I’m a little stunned that it’s October. I was aware of time passing and all, but dang! Month 10 out of 12 for this year, and I haven’t finished anything. I’ve accomplished a decent amount with book 2 of my big-book series, such as finally figuring out my character, her voice, and making significant edits…
Chopping Words To Make It Work #IWSG
I had to cut some of my darlings this past week. Last month, I said I wanted to take out an earthquake. I dragged my feet on it. If I took out the first earthquake, then I needed to find some other way to separate my character from the rest of his group. As I…
On Not Killing Characters #AmWriting
I suppose you can’t expect much concentration from a squirrel. I scamper off to my next objective, change my mind halfway, turn back, and turn back again—all the while forcing the considerate people around me to slam on their brakes. Over a month ago, I expressed my utter joy that I got to murder a…
Aligning Events #IWSG
It’s July! Sheesh. Time is zooming by. With it being the first Wednesday of the month, it makes it time for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. What’s making me insecure this month? Time. Except, not in the way I typically lament it. Sure, I would love a few more hours a day to be able…
Setting Realistic Goals
A couple weeks ago, I told the world about teaming up with a friend to hold each other accountable. She has successfully met her goal for the past couple of weeks. Me? My character is still alive. Considering I’ve written over 2K a week, I’m not disappointed. But it does reveal that I’m horrible at…
I’ve Had It Wrong The Entire Time! #AmWriting
I’m still on my LaTonya kick this week. Only now, I have inspiration! LaTonya’s been the toughest character for me to figure out. I thought I knew her, but it turns out I had it wrong. Okay, I didn’t have it totally wrong. Everything in my old post is still applicable. But I kept pushing…