I’m in a better mental state this week. The kids are doing better, my husband is no longer on antibiotics, and my projects at work are back on track. The parental stress is still running high, but medically, I’m fine. I’ve also gotten more words in. Yay! Granted, I’m still 16K behind, but I made…
Tag: writing
Just a Little Squirrelly
It’s been a crazy time at the Town’s End. Both kiddos ended up with fevers, my husband has been sick, and I had a medical detour that resulted in me bawling at the table while shoveling cheesecake and gummy bears into my mouth. Don’t worry, I’m fine. I just love cheesecake. And gummy bears. Health…
For The Love Of Words #AmWriting
I love words, especially the creative, expressive ones. You’ll find them littered throughout my stories, contributing to my voice and style. Is that a good thing? There’s advice to use precise verbs in place of verb + adverb. I tend to lean that direction. Then there’s the advice to use simple words, words everyone will…
Of All The Fowl Luck #AmWriting
I made it through my panel! Before going, I’d debated what I wanted to wear. I could wear a skirt and blouse, but would that really be true to my style? Yes, that’s what I wear 5 days out of the week to work, but the air of a programmer is a bit different from…
Opening My Big Mouth #IWSG
Indie Author Day is coming up this Saturday. When J.C. Jackson mentioned it, I got stoked and contacted the main Boise library to see how I could participate. There’s going to be panels, book selling, signing, reading…I had several options to choose from. In my email exchange, I happened to mention the only topic I…
Racing Like A Rabid Squirrel
As you might’ve guessed by my previous posts, it’s been a month of doing stuff. Since I’ve already regaled you of my leap from an airplane, I won’t rehash that. But hey, look! I’ve got pictures! Hopefully they don’t make anyone sick. I mentioned running a 5K. The Ultimate Wine Run was set in a…
Finding Time #IWSG
I had to chuckle to myself. One of those miserable, self-deprecating laughs. The Insecure Writer’s Support Group has a monthly question. Today’s Question: How do you find the time to write in your busy day? Lately, I haven’t (thus the laugh). I get 10 words here and there, but my calendar is packed with all…
That Overwhelming Thing Called Life #IWSG
Egads. It’s August. That realization comes with the horrible knowledge that we’re three-quarters of the way through the year and I haven’t finished anything. Oh the excuses! I have birthday parties to plan, schooling to arrange, and a plethora of medical situations to deal with. Don’t worry, I’m fine. There was just a health scare…
When Being Mean Gets You Into Trouble #IWSG
I’m one of those people who is vague about their story details online. It’s not for any fear of someone stealing my ideas; oh heck no. It’s because the mess inside my head is so darn complicated, I doubt anyone who isn’t bombarded with it regularly would really understand. I’m a master of confusing people….
The Case of the Disappearing Weapons #Fantasy
Today, I have the honor of having Lori MacLaughlin here at the Town’s End! She just released a new book and I’m stoked to be able to share it all with you. Now, take it away Lori! Thank you very much, Loni, for having me on your blog!! I write fantasy adventure. Traditional fantasy novels…