Today’s featured photo has a lot of filters. It’d just rained, so I ran back outside to see what I could find. I came away with a wet chain.
The drama filters are fun, but they add a lot of grain. Use a dark drama filter on a building, and it makes it look haunted. Take our state capitol building, for example:
Doesn’t it look creepy?
Since I’m taking photos with my phone, I don’t feel too bad about using filters. But I am curious if professional photographers consider filters as a form of cheating, or if it’s just a bit of CSS on a page icing on a cake. What do you think?
It’s all art as far as I’m concerned. Cool pics! 🙂
I agree with, Melissa. Amazing how one can get these effects and change the whole ‘tone’ of a picture, Loni!
I love that pic, it’s prolly my fav so far! It would look great as a book cover. Author name under the chain, title above. And I have the perfect title- Chain Gang. Lol! That’s actually the title for a wip I’ve been whittling away at for awhile now.
My buddy thought it’d make a great post-apocalyptic cover. 🙂
Great photo! Love the foreground focus, the blur in the back. Filter or no, it speaks.
The photographers I know are offended by even the mention of PS, so my guess is–yeah, they’d consider filters cheating. BUT what about those filters one can screw to the camera lens? (Are they even around anymore?)
I guess it’s just different art forms. Kind of like comparing writing to filmmaking 😉
Thanks for stopping over at Life In Dogs this week. Always happy to meet a fellow dog lover 🙂
Thank you! I think filters will go a ways to improve the picture, but there has to be something there to work with in the first place. I’ve tried playing with some photos that just don’t work, no matter what I throw at them. 🙂
I don’t think it’s cheating at all. I think it’s being artistic, adding spice to what might be plain oatmeal otherwise. Those are great shots!
Mmmmm. Now I have a hankering for cinnamon apple oatmeal…
I love a good photo with a great imagery!