I am super excited to share a guest post with all of you. One thing I love about Holly is that I always learn something from her. From her gemstone histories to recipes to trends, she’s got amazing insights about a plethora of subjects. She’s thorough with her research, complete in information, and entertaining in…
Category: Books
Seeing New Stories in September #IWSG
Happy IWSG Day everyone! August had its highs and lows. The kids returned to school leading to the frantic shuffle to ensure everyone got to their appropriate locations at the right time. And then, as we settled into routine, covid hit and we all missed work and school for a week. We’re on the mend…
Got You Covered #IWSG
Wow. January flew past me. It’s been busy at the Town’s End, but nothing this squirrel can’t handle. I’ll hop straight to the question of the month, since it’s a topic I’ve been known to obsess over. IWSG Question of the Month – If you are an Indie author, do you make your own covers…
Book 2’s Back On! #IWSG
You might notice a new look to my site. I decided it needed a refresher since my old parent theme wasn’t getting updates anymore and the dropdowns no longer functioned. I switched to this new one, and though I’m not sure I’m in love, it’ll do. (EDIT: I just noticed the url is missing from…
Doing It All Over Again #IWSG
It’s February 2nd, known to people as Groundhog Day. And how can one forget the Bill Murry movie by the same name, where he’s forced to relive the same day over and over again? That seems a bit like my book, or rather books. I’ve been working on the companion novel, and after last month’s…
Books and Characters #IWSG
It’s August already. Can you believe that? I can’t. July passed by way too quickly, and now I’ve gotta figure out school stuff for my kids because that’s happening this month. There’s transitions I’m not ready for and scheduling I don’t know how to juggle yet. We’ll manage, I’m sure. But the impending event looms…
Five More Chapters #IWSG
Ah, March. The month of so many things, and here we are, already to the first Wednesday. Since it’s Insecure Writer’s Support Group day, I’ll wait until next week to talk about the Colonel’s Challenge results. Today, I’m going to talk about the same thing I talk about every first Wednesday: my book. I’m not…
Well, Ain’t that Exciting? #IWSG
I’m running late with today’s post because when I arrived at work this morning, I found the entries blocked off due to a suspicious package. Thankfully it was just a box of office supplies, but the morning chaos threw me off my game. On the upside, I got to go home, make my kids an…
OUAW Release and #IWSG
I’m posting a day early for Insecure Writer’s Support Group day, because I want to support my friend and critique partner Aldrea Alien in the release of Once Upon Another World. For only $0.99, you can get 20+ twisted fairytales from multiple authors, including Aldrea’s story Someone Else’s Shoes. I hope you take a moment…
About Us #NewRelease
Howdy All! Life’s been traumatic at the Town’s End, so I’m happy to bring a bit of good news to my blog. The amazing and talented Elizabeth Seckman released a book! What’s more, you can get it for free!! *squee!!!* That’s news enough to brighten this squirrel’s day, so let me do the honor of…