I can’t remember when I first came across C.G. Coppola, but she intrigued me from the start. For one, she used ninja in her since-retitled blog name. I mean, c’mon, how could I not be interested? But I kept returning and followed her to her current domain because A) she’s entertaining and B) she’s a…
Category: Books
The Iron Druid Chronicles Series Review
I finished a 9 book series a few weeks ago, and I’ve been letting my feelings about it sit. It’s one of those things I had to walk away from, plus my husband hadn’t finished the series yet and I didn’t want to spoil anything for him. But there is one thing I let him…
Better Than This #YA #NewRelease
On Friday, something great happened. C.G. Coppola released her new YA Contemporary Romance. I had the pleasure to beta-read this story, and I have to tell you guys, it’s good. She wrapped me up with the characters that I found myself bawling on occasion just because I was so invested. It’s cute, it’s touching, and…
In Pain and Blood Blog Tour
If you’ve followed me for a while, you’ve probably heard of Aldrea Alien, my NZ CP whose books I love. She’s out with another, and I have to say, I certainly enjoyed this one. It’s got the feels, the magic, the world-building, and excellent writing. I’m happy to be part of her blog tour to…
Life’s Hammer Hits Hard
Well that sucked. I got sick over a week ago, and that took me out for a few days. I managed to bounce back a bit for the holiday, and then crashed hard with a different set of illness symptoms a few days later. Due to all the injury that’s happened in the family this…
And So, November Begins #IWSG
November 1st kicks off NaNoWriMo, and though I had high hopes of actually hitting 50K before the end of the month, those hopes have dwindled. I’m fairly certain I will fail, due to the sheer time or lack thereof. I can barely manage 300 words on a normal day, and it’s not due to lack…
Full Dark #ReleaseDay
Guess what today is. It’s RELEASE DAY! This is the day you’ll see Full Dark take to the world wide web with a storm of announcements. Rightfully so, because this is a great anthology for an excellent cause. So head on over to Amazon or Barnes & Noble and pick up your copy. 🙂 And…
So Much Going On!
It’s been a rough time at the Town’s End. It’s been five months since we last had to pull out the crutches, so we were due for another round, right? While my husband hobbles around cursing his condition, I’m prepping to take the family into low-carb diet mode for the next five weeks (which sucks…
Suggestions for Outsourcing?
If you’ve followed my blog or know me, you probably know that I like art. I draw. I mess around with digital graphics. I even have a stinkin’ nice computer so I can draw digitally as if it were a sketchbook. Well, we’re our own worst critics, right? Okay, maybe that’s not true, because I’ve…
We’re All A Little Twisted, Right? #NewRelease
It may come as no shock or surprise to you that I’m a bit twisted. I’m that person in critique group who points out a character and says, “He’s going to die.” The author might follow up with, “Well, actually, no…” but I shake my head and insist, “Nope, he’s going to die.” Because, you…