I’ve got a lot on my TODO list today, so it might be a bit before I make return visits. It’s the first Wednesday of the month, announcing September is here. Why am I an insecure writer this month? I didn’t so much as crack open book 2 during August, and I’m supposed to be…
Category: IWSG
Insecure Writers Support Group
Books and Characters #IWSG
It’s August already. Can you believe that? I can’t. July passed by way too quickly, and now I’ve gotta figure out school stuff for my kids because that’s happening this month. There’s transitions I’m not ready for and scheduling I don’t know how to juggle yet. We’ll manage, I’m sure. But the impending event looms…
Well, That Was Fun #IWSG
As I went to write my post this morning for Insecure Writer’s Support Group, I was presented with a wonderful 403 Forbidden error. Yay. It seems every few years I lose my site and I have to dig to get it back. As I stepped through the troubleshooting and nothing worked, I relented and reached…
And One Became Two #IWSG
It’s the first Wednesday of June. JUNE! We have this month and the year will be half over. What makes me an insecure writer today? The same thing that’s been plaguing me for flippin’ years! Book 2. Or should I say Book 2, divided by 2? Critique partners are amazing. I love them. I have…
May Take A While #IWSG
Happy May everyone! Today, my parents have been married for 48 years. Woot! I hope you join me in wishing them a very happy anniversary. ๐ I didn’t accomplish much toward my personal goals in April. We had our big launch at work, followed by a frenzy of fixes and tweaks. It didn’t leave much…
I did it! #IWSG
I finished my book! Again. For the third time. Kinda. The big revision plan I had for Isto is done (woot!), but as I reread from the beginning to see if all the changes are cohesive, itโs instigated a few more changes. No problem. I can deal with that. But then a member of my…
Five More Chapters #IWSG
Ah, March. The month of so many things, and here we are, already to the first Wednesday. Since it’s Insecure Writer’s Support Group day, I’ll wait until next week to talk about the Colonel’s Challenge results. Today, I’m going to talk about the same thing I talk about every first Wednesday: my book. I’m not…
Well, Ain’t that Exciting? #IWSG
I’m running late with today’s post because when I arrived at work this morning, I found the entries blocked off due to a suspicious package. Thankfully it was just a box of office supplies, but the morning chaos threw me off my game. On the upside, I got to go home, make my kids an…
New Year, Same Focus #IWSG
My goals this year haven’t changed much from previous years: family, fitness, and finishing the dang book. We’ll start with writing, since it’s the first Wednesday of the month making it Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. I’d hoped to finish book 2 of the big book series by the end of last year. That didn’t…
The End Draws Near #IWSG
Wow. Can you believe it’s the last first Wednesday of 2020? Despite all that’s happened this year (earthquakes, pandemic, my mom’s cancer), it still surprises me that in a month, it won’t be 2020 anymore. I’m thankful I’ve been able to keep working to support my family while my husband tends to the kids and…