Egads. It’s August. That realization comes with the horrible knowledge that we’re three-quarters of the way through the year and I haven’t finished anything. Oh the excuses! I have birthday parties to plan, schooling to arrange, and a plethora of medical situations to deal with. Don’t worry, I’m fine. There was just a health scare…
Category: Writing
She Has A Nice Personality #IWSG
The Insecure Writer’s Support Group is doing a new thing. They’re asking a question: What’s the best thing someone has ever said about your writing? By seeking out feedback, I’ve gotten helpful criticism. As a result, I know where my faults lie. Emotions—I’m terrible at manufacturing those moments that make people cry. Tension—How the heck…
Cover Revamp!
I’ve been working on Murder Most Fowl, the next in the Cera Chronicles. My goal is to beef it up from 10K to 25K, and adjust the pace for something more suitable for a novella, rather than a serialized story. It’s been fun so far, and I hope to get it done sometime this month….
When Being Mean Gets You Into Trouble #IWSG
I’m one of those people who is vague about their story details online. It’s not for any fear of someone stealing my ideas; oh heck no. It’s because the mess inside my head is so darn complicated, I doubt anyone who isn’t bombarded with it regularly would really understand. I’m a master of confusing people….
Guess Who’s Co-Hosting? #IWSG
After spending some time enjoying this group, I decided it might be time for me to do a bit of co-hosting. I took this seriously, of course, and even planned my post in advance instead of scrambling to write it the morning of. That leads to my insecurity – The Plan. Twenty years ago (good…
Making Mythology #amwriting
Wow, it’s the last week of April. It’s not looking like I’m going to reach my Camp NaNoWriMo goal. You might think, “What?! But Loni, you only set out to do 5K in MaTisha and LaTonya’s POVs for book 2. You should’ve been able to do that!” I know, I know. But… I’m a squirrel….
Let Me See Your Face … Again!
Two years ago, I posted about Gravatar. Seeing that the great A to Z challenge is starting this Friday (even though I’m not participating), I thought it would be a good time to revive this old post and share again. It might help with growing blogging relationships. Do you know someone who is bad with…
Squirrel Plans Birthday and Never Expects This to Happen
CLICKBAIT!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA! Tomorrow is my birthday. It’s been a nutty year of darting from one thing to another, leaping precariously for branches that seem out of reach, and looking at the world from odd angles. The best part? This squirrel survived another year. Sure, I got rear-ended and my husband lost his job. I reworked…
Finding Inspiration Through Conversation
“Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work.” – Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft Technically, I’m not sitting and waiting. I’m digital painting. Still, it’s a case of me not writing because I’m inspired to do something else. I’m the type of…
Gotta Please the People #IWSG
I think many writers are people-pleasers. We want other people to enjoy our work. You get that review where the person states your story is their favorite, and you just swell with pride. That happened to me. You may or may not know of a project I participated in a while back called The Seven….