Do you know someone who is bad with names but good with faces? Or maybe you’re one of those people? If the answer is “No” on both accounts, well, let me introduce myself. My name is Loni. I remember faces, not names. Google is amazing. They have connected so many different services, your profile (and…
Category: Writing
IWSG: Chasing Dreams
The Insecure Writer’ Support Group‘s purpose is to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! A decade ago, I watched the movie Cheaper By…
Typography: The Ellipsis
These three little dots confuse the heck out of me. I’m never sure when to follow the ellipsis with a period. If the thought is drifting off (not interrupted), and then switches in the next line, do I end it with a period? It was as if … Derek looked to the side. No, it…
Typography: Becoming a Better Writer
I’ll admit it. I judge based on looks. I was given a book around Christmas time. After a quick flip through, I winced. The book was blatantly self-published. Now, I’m not saying I’m a pro when it comes to book publishing—far from it. Everything I know, I’ve learned through self-study. But even to my untrained…
IWSG: The Bad Blogger
Visit the main page on Alex Cavanaugh’s Blog. The term Author Platform twists my gut into a tangle. I know what it is, and I know what I’m supposed to do. But executing things like engaging people online is darn right difficult. A lot of the times, I read status updates or blog posts and…
Farewell 2013
Is it really here? A new year? Geez. Where did 2013 go? Time rushes past—a blur of memories. I think something happened this past year. Oh yes, quite a lot. I might have fried some brain circuits trying to remember it all. The big things are easy. I had a kid. I published a book….
Release Day! (And a blog hop)
Today is a very special day. Today is Release Day. Thanmir War is live on Amazon. And the best part is, today, it’s free! You can find it on Goodreads. And Amazon has it available for purchase. It’s my deepest hope that you find the story enjoyable and entertaining that you’d want to tell your…
My first ISWG Post
Forgive me if I do this wrong. I’m new. I’ve been stalking Melissa Maygrove for a while now, and I’ve seen her do this thing every month. And then I think to myself, ‘with as many times as I’ve freaked out over writing, I should really do that.’ So here I am. My biggest fear…
Coffee Shop Writer
So, I hadn’t realized that writing in Starbucks was a thing until my buddy ohnosarge brought it up in a tweet one day. She directed me to Family Guy who mocks those coffee shop writers as needing to be seen working on their craft. Imagine my eyebrows climbing to my hairline. That led to a…
New Date…Again
Yes, I know, I look like an idiot. I said November 5th, then the 19th. Well, the release date has been pushed to December 5th because I botched something in the details. But it’s really going to happen this time. The book is on Goodreads, so that must count for something. This image on the…