Every month on the first Wednesday, the Insecure Writer’s Support Group gathers across the bloggosphere to express our insecurities and encourage others. Today is that day! When it comes to writing this year, I’m not bounding through the progress. But that’s because my primary personal push has been exercise and fitness. That’s led to using…
Hi, I’m an ISTJ #CatastropheMode
Well, January has been par for the course at the Town’s End with three doctor visits, two rounds of antibiotics, and multiple uses of inhalers. Ah the joys of being a parent. Thankfully, all I’ve had is a lingering cough that’s been around since last April, so I’ve been able to tend to my little…
Colonel’s Challenge 2019 #Life #Fitness
Warning: This is a long, non-writing related post! The first of the year kicked off the Colonel’s Challenge. It’s a work-sponsored exercise challenge that runs 10 weeks. It’s meant to encourage both commissioned and non-commissioned employees to adopt healthy habits of weight-lifting and aerobic exercise. I tackled it last year, and I hope to regain…
Welcome to 2019 #IWSG
That first Wednesday of the month came quickly this year. I’m still recovering from my “vacation” (read: 12 days of house cleaning and full-time kid watching), so I don’t have a whole lot to say other than it’s nice to be able to sit down and type something again. Writing progress has been zilch and…
2018 Year in Review
Goals. Such a terrifying concept for me. I have a thing with starting stuff and never finishing it. I set goals, and never meet them. Well, back in January, I made known a few of my goals. 1. Meet all the criteria for the Colonel’s Challenge. I did all the weight lifting and exercise, though…
I’m it in Rising Author Tag
Despite the low rating by critics and the sort, I enjoyed the movie Tag. But this blog post has nothing to do with that. Author C.G. Coppola tagged me in the Rising Author Tag. Not sure that I’m a rising author since it’s been years since I put out anything beyond a short story, but…
Ah… Whoops #IWSG
So, I just now realized it was Wednesday. Been busy with tech refreshes at work and trying to recover after letting everything slide with NaNoWriMo (which I won – woot!). I might’ve dropped a few balls. In fact, I didn’t even bother trying to catch them. And now it’s the first Wednesday of the month,…
NaNo Here I Go #IWSG
November kicked off pretty well on the writing front. If you’re not familiar with NaNoWriMo, it’s where people everywhere try to write 50K in 30 days. This is my 7th year going for it, and though I failed the past two years, I think I’ll make it this year. Why? Because this year, I have…
Happy Halloween!
Due to how busy I’m going to be today, I don’t have much of a post. But I want to wish you all a safe and happy Halloween. And if you haven’t already, be sure to pick up your copy of FULL DARK. Today is the last day to get it on sale!
Correcting Past Mistakes #AmEditing
About a month ago, my coworker said he was rereading Thanmir War to prep for beta-reading Isto. That surprised me (it isn’t exactly a short book), and I told him to tell me if he comes across anything confusing (since that’s a common issue of mine). He promptly responded, “The first two chapters.” After I…