I mentioned last week that I haven’t gotten a lot of writing done. I can’t bring myself to write when others are around (for one, I get distracted and all I type is gibberish, and for another, I feel compelled not to ignore my family). That might mistakenly lead to the conclusion that I don’t…
Time Change, Time to Change, and a CP’s New Release #IWSG
Before I get into all my personal stuff, I want to make sure you all know that my critique partner, Aldrea Alien, released a new book last week. It’s totally awesome (I did read it) and I had to dedicate a whole post to it, which you can find here. Today is the first Wednesday…
Dark One’s Bride Blitz! #newrelease
If you’re looking for my IWSG post, find it here. I’m so happy to tell all of you about Aldrea Alien’s latest release. It’s the second book in her clean gothic romance trilogy, and I have to say, I enjoyed reading it. Here’s the details, that way you can add it to your TBR, along…
Round 3… Fight!
I wish I could say my life has improved since my last check in. Alas, that isn’t the case. Back on Sept 25th, my son was on antibiotics for strep throat. A day after he finished that 7 day treatment, he whined that his throat hurt. I went and got him checked. Sure enough, he…
Oh Look, A Blog Post!
This past month has seen me slipping and spiraling. I’ve neglected my yard, forgotten friends’ birthday parties, and dropped all the balls that I might’ve had in the air. As my kids return to school, I’ve found myself shifting schedules to accommodate child care while trying to manage meetings and appointments and still be a…
Finding the Write Setting #IWSG
Man, time is sneaking up on me. It’s been a scramble to try to keep up with everything in life, and that’s put me behind in everything else. It’s hard to believe that it’s already September and Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. I’ve got insecurities a plenty. Will I frustrate people with book 3’s timeline?…
Doing All The Stuffs #AmWriting
Before I get into today’s post, I want to say thank to everyone. Life has slowly been making its way back to stability. All of your condolences have been heartwarming, and I appreciate it. Now, onto writing related stuff. Have you ever wanted to do so much that you find yourself uncertain where to start…
Heartbreak and Emotions #Life
I had to say goodbye to one of my dogs on Sunday. One (sounded out as oh-nay) came into my life 14 years ago. She was a seven week old shiba inu puppy whom the owners had bought but hadn’t realized how high strung she’d be. She happened to be visiting the same vet as…
Blurble Blurble #IWSG
It’s the first Wednesday of the month. That means it’s Insecure Writer’s Support Group day! What has me insecure today? Well, for one, my blurb is never good enough for me. Last week, I talked about my blurb. I’ve redone it again with some help from Elizabeth Seckman. She’s the ruler of the broken. He’s…
I’m Missing Something #AmEditing
I’ve been working my way through Isto, listening to the chapters through my text-to-speech program. One thing I’ve noticed is the sheer number of missing words I’ve come across that my eyes just skim over. Take this example. Five different people besides me have read it and no one noticed: Cameron threw himself to his…