Sheesh! It’s August already and the pandemic turmoil continues. Our school district decided yesterday to delay the start of school and won’t know until the 25th if they’ll do all online or an alternate day plan. The uncertainty of it all is stressful and frustrating, though I’m sure I’m not alone in that. My digital…
Tag: art
NaNo Here I Go #IWSG
November kicked off pretty well on the writing front. If you’re not familiar with NaNoWriMo, it’s where people everywhere try to write 50K in 30 days. This is my 7th year going for it, and though I failed the past two years, I think I’ll make it this year. Why? Because this year, I have…
Halfway Through October Already?
October’s been busy for me! At work, we’ve been strengthening our IT relations and that’s include multiple multi-hour meetings. As a programmer, I don’t use many of the systems that the techs or net ops uses, but for the sake of awareness, they want to make sure everybody’s on the same page. I’m a bit…
Paint Me A Picture
When it comes to hobbies and interests, I’m the type of person who starts something and usually abandons it half-finished. Girl Scouts, ballet, gymnastics, knitting, wire-working… Eventually, my love of the activity fades and I leave it by the wayside. Thankfully, that hasn’t been the case with drawing (or writing for that matter). Back in…
Too Distracted To Be Insecure #IWSG
It’s the first Wednesday of the month, so it’s time again for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. Like the title of the post says, I’ve been too distracted to be insecure lately. I got to spend last week delving into my creative artistic side to help a friend redo her branding. It was a fun…
2016 – It Ain’t Over Yet
Every year, I get letters from friends giving their year in review. I ogle at the pictures and how organized they must be to achieve such feats, while I haven’t been able to get even a Christmas card in the mail for …well… forever. That’s not going to change, but I figured I might as…
Cycles of Creativity
I love writing. Every day, bits and pieces of my stories work their way onto the computer screen. Maybe it’s book two. It might be book three. On a rare occasion, I discover details about book four and how it ties to the others. I jump around a lot. But what about the rest of…
Distractions on a Wednesday Morning
I’ve been sketching. Okay, so MaTisha’s eyes are crooked, and Cameron’s face is larger scale than the other two. But I’m actually pretty happy with it. My husband guessed which character was which, without me telling him who I drew. Granted, he has heard me talk about my main characters often enough to know them,…
Commissioning Artwork
I’ve been known to indulge myself from time to time. One example is getting dressed up in steampunk and having a friend do a photo shoot. This time, I decided to commission artwork. (That sounds so much cooler than “paying someone to draw me a picture”) I like to peruse DeviantArt and gape at all…
Character Sketch – MaTisha
Here is my second character sketch. I’m happier with the way she turned out. I used the entire paper length, which I didn’t do with Derek. The black diamond is a little too high, which impeded my drawing of the pendant, and I was never very good at drawing cryptic symbols, so it looks more…