Welcome to 2024, Everyone! Guess what?! I finished my zero draft of Isto before my end-of-year, self-imposed deadline! Here’s a little animation I made of me and Derek dancing in celebration. (It’s my first animation, so please excuse the poor quality.) Having completed the rough draft of version 6, I now move on to editing….
Tag: goals
Welcome 2023! #IWSG
I returned to the office yesterday morning and discovered a power outage had killed my computer. Now I’m starting with a fresh image (computer image, not a new physical appearance) for the new year. Yay. We’re supposed to get new work computers this year, so that means I get to set up all my tools…
Into Month Six! #IWSG
It’s the first of June, and the first Wednesday of the month, making today Insecure Writer’s Support Group day! Woot! I’d hoped for less busyness in May, but that wasn’t the case. I faced urgent application changes at work, health problems at home, school events and overdue assignments, birthday parties to attend, and none of…
New Year, Same Ol’ Squirrel
It’s 2022. Not only that, it’s the first Wednesday of 2022, making it Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Happy New Year! IWSG Question of the Month – What’s the one thing about your writing career you regret the most? Were you able to overcome it? I’m skipping the question because to answer, I feel I…
The End Draws Near #IWSG
Wow. Can you believe it’s the last first Wednesday of 2020? Despite all that’s happened this year (earthquakes, pandemic, my mom’s cancer), it still surprises me that in a month, it won’t be 2020 anymore. I’m thankful I’ve been able to keep working to support my family while my husband tends to the kids and…
What Happened To This Year? #IWSG
It’s the first Wednesday of the month, making it Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. What has me insecure? Not Finishing. One of my goals this year was to be done with Isto, the second book in my epic fantasy series. You’d think this would be an easy task, considering I’d finished the first draft early…
Colonel’s Challenge 2019 #Life #Fitness
Warning: This is a long, non-writing related post! The first of the year kicked off the Colonel’s Challenge. It’s a work-sponsored exercise challenge that runs 10 weeks. It’s meant to encourage both commissioned and non-commissioned employees to adopt healthy habits of weight-lifting and aerobic exercise. I tackled it last year, and I hope to regain…
2018 Year in Review
Goals. Such a terrifying concept for me. I have a thing with starting stuff and never finishing it. I set goals, and never meet them. Well, back in January, I made known a few of my goals. 1. Meet all the criteria for the Colonel’s Challenge. I did all the weight lifting and exercise, though…
Holiday from Insecurity #IWSG
Since tomorrow is a holiday for us in the USA, Insecure Writer’s Support Group posting has been bumped forward a day. So you get a post today, while tomorrow I’ll be hanging with my kids out in the heat, ignoring all things digital. What makes me insecure this month? Actually, nothing comes to mind. I…
Let’s Try This Again #IWSG
As you might have seen in last week’s post, 2017 wasn’t great for me. But it’s a new year, and I’m off to a new start. This year kicked off with the Colonel’s Challenge at work, which will last for 10 weeks and include resistance training, push-ups/sit-ups, aerobic exercise, and weight loss. I’m aiming to…