It’s the first Wednesday of the month, making it Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. What has me insecure? Not Finishing. One of my goals this year was to be done with Isto, the second book in my epic fantasy series. You’d think this would be an easy task, considering I’d finished the first draft early…
Tag: isto
If I Can’t Write… #Art
I mentioned last week that I haven’t gotten a lot of writing done. I can’t bring myself to write when others are around (for one, I get distracted and all I type is gibberish, and for another, I feel compelled not to ignore my family). That might mistakenly lead to the conclusion that I don’t…
Doing All The Stuffs #AmWriting
Before I get into today’s post, I want to say thank to everyone. Life has slowly been making its way back to stability. All of your condolences have been heartwarming, and I appreciate it. Now, onto writing related stuff. Have you ever wanted to do so much that you find yourself uncertain where to start…
Blurble Blurble #IWSG
It’s the first Wednesday of the month. That means it’s Insecure Writer’s Support Group day! What has me insecure today? Well, for one, my blurb is never good enough for me. Last week, I talked about my blurb. I’ve redone it again with some help from Elizabeth Seckman. She’s the ruler of the broken. He’s…
I’m Missing Something #AmEditing
I’ve been working my way through Isto, listening to the chapters through my text-to-speech program. One thing I’ve noticed is the sheer number of missing words I’ve come across that my eyes just skim over. Take this example. Five different people besides me have read it and no one noticed: Cameron threw himself to his…
You Can’t Be Series-ous! #AmPlotting
For almost 2/3 of my life, Derek’s lived in my head. For those who don’t know, he’s the main character in my big books. I decided his story could be told in 4 installments, which included the discovery of who he is, the consequences of his actions, trying to right all the wrongs, and finally…
One Million Words #IWSG
Though I didn’t intend to take a hiatus from online life during the month of May, it happened regardless. Now you might be thinking the post title implies how many words I wrote during my time offline. Sadly, that’s not the case. But it is how many words I consumed. When it comes to “reading”,…
A Daunting Task Ahead #IWSG
It’s the first Wednesday of April, and as with every first Wednesday, it’s Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. I got feedback on Isto last week. On Tuesday, I had a sit-down with a beta reader who’s been with me since the first terrible draft of Thanmir War. She went over her notes for Isto, including…
Correcting Past Mistakes #AmEditing
About a month ago, my coworker said he was rereading Thanmir War to prep for beta-reading Isto. That surprised me (it isn’t exactly a short book), and I told him to tell me if he comes across anything confusing (since that’s a common issue of mine). He promptly responded, “The first two chapters.” After I…
Covering Myself #CoverReveal
You are all the greatest. When it comes to writing, my bravado is a lot bigger than I actually feel. The truth is, I’m terrified that people are going to hate my stuff. The fact that people actually volunteered to beta-read for me… Thank you. I’m honored. Since this isn’t IWSG week, I won’t dwell…