I don’t know about you, but I feel like I’m still catching my breath from the holidays. Oh, it wasn’t super busy at the Town’s End. In fact, I didn’t even get around to hosting my annual surf ‘n turf meal to celebrate the new year. But I’m all fidgety, like I’m falling behind with…
Tag: iwsg
An Insecure Winner #IWSG
NaNoWriMo is over. I validated and achieved my winner’s status. I didn’t get 50K of keepable content, as I had wanted to, but I did make a dent in Isto’s overall word count. Yesterday, I compiled what I had before NaNo with my keepable content, and I’m up over 73K for this POV. Let’s see,…
You Are Not Prepared #IWSG
I traveled out of town this past weekend to attend a memorial for the mother of family friends. I knew Grace, but as the memorial progressed, I didn’t realize how little. She was an amazing woman that impacted many lives for the better. She made a difference in her community, in her family, and in…
Always Rearranging #IWSG
Have you ever been writing and been nagged by the quiet thought that things aren’t moving fast enough? The pace is too slow or the timing is off or the character just needs to be somewhere else. I’ve been there a lot recently. I end up yanking out large chunks, moving it to a different…
Changing Plans #IWSG
Right now, I’m not insecure. I’ve been writing a lot lately. Well, a lot for me with my current progress. I’ve gotten down 18K in the past couple of weeks. It’s all in Isto. I had to rework my plan toward the end of the book because I no longer liked the idea of the…
To Prologue… more than once? #IWSG
I know prologues are considered one of those deadly sins of writings, but it’s one of the “rules” I’m willing to break. But what if I have two prologues for the same story? I’ve read books with multiple prologues. They don’t bother me. But I’ve encountered people who assume prologue == bad writing. They immediately…
Helpful Criticism #IWSG
Today, I’m not insecure. One might think I have some great tidbit of wisdom on how to achieve such a state. I don’t. But I can tell you how I got there, at least for today. I know some of my primary weaknesses in writing, one of which is building/conveying emotions. Lately, I’ve been working…
Who are you? #IWSG
Have you ever taken a personality test? Back in high school, I was an ENFP. Now, I lean more toward ISTJ. Somehow, in the past 15 years, I’ve completely flopped all of my letters. (Sometimes I think I’m a narcissistic sociopath, but that’s another story.) My sis-in-law calls me the girl with a hundred hobbies….
An Apology to the #AtoZChallenge
Apologies, because certain delivery expectations failed. Grand hopes, ill-fated. Just know, life means numerous options. People quit regularly. Strike this unfortunate venue with X. Yours zealously, Loni Townsend In case you couldn’t understand my horribly constructed sentences—sheesh, I could barely figure them out—I withdraw from the A-to-Z Challenge. Too many doctors appointments are messing with…
Cool Kid’s Table – Guest Post
I have the great honor of presenting a guest post from one of my friends, Jim Lambert. If you’ve followed my blog for a while, you may know that I’m part of a local critique group, and that these people have impacted and enriched my life. When Jim emailed a few of us with this…