The poll numbers are in, and the winner is… GOLD! For the purpose of tallying, I threw out the responses that didn’t give a definite answer. Location Gold Votes Green Votes Direct Questioning 2 2 Blog 12 1 Google+ 29 6 Facebook 28 5 Mythic Scribes Forum 1 2 Total 72 16 Tidbits of other…
Tag: thanmir war
Cover Title Color Choice
If you saw Wednesday’s post, you saw I was considering updating the title appearance on my cover. Most agreed that the metallic, beveled look made a greater impact. Aldrea suggested using a different color. I’ve adjusted the lighting so it comes from the correct direction, and made the text fit the e-book size. Which color…
Cover Play
I’ve been playing with covers lately, particularly Isto’s cover. I want to go with a series look, but have been struggling with how to portray the images (stone background, symbolic clan mark). Right now, it looks like a horror novel. But in the midst of my playing, I got side-tracked title manipulation. I wound up…
Thanmir War On Sale!
Tell your friends! Share with your neighbors! Thanmir War is on sale for $0.99 this week! The Earth Clan has declared war and a landscaper is at the dead center of it. Derek thinks his chronic headaches are the worst of his problems. He’s wrong. He wakes up in the middle of an unknown forest,…
Follow Fest ’14 & Featured Photo Friday
The magnificent Melissa Maygrove is at it again! It’s time for (the tail end of) Follow Fest 2014. Her organizational abilities and social savvy never cease to amaze me. If you haven’t checked her out, you should. And then join Follow Fest! Follow Fest allows writers connect with each other through blogs and other social…
Why I Write Blog Hop
Thank you for all the well-wishes last week. My mom had knee surgery last Friday, and returned home Monday after over a week in the hospital. I took a trip to the other side of the state to visit her this last weekend. She’s doing well, enjoyed seeing the grandbabies, and is now under the…
38 Seconds
I’ve asked myself What makes an effective book trailer? What attracts me? The answer to the latter is kinetic typography. One day, JeriWB and I were discussing our appreciation of beautiful moving text. It planted an idea in my mind. Fast forward to months down the road, and here I am, indulging my creative side….
IWSG – Celebrating Creativity
Today is the first Wednesday of the month. That means, it’s time for Insecure Writer’s Support Group! You can find the sign up here. We owe Alex J Cavanaugh a huge thank you for thinking this blog hop up. Last month, I talked about my worry that no one would read my book. It’s one…
How I Found the Write Path
Carrie Butler is celebrating her blogiversary! She’s hosting a blogfest called How I Found the Write Path. See who is participating, and sign up yourself. The Prompt: Please write a letter/note to yourself when you first started writing toward publication. Since I often talk to myself (in third person even), this was easy. Below is…
If you’ve followed me for some time, you’ve probably seen me mention The Book Designer. Halfway through each month, Joel has a post about e-Book cover designs. I’m always looking for ways to improve, so I submitted Thanmir War for December’s collection. Joel will make comments just below each cover if he has them, and…