I’m running late with today’s post because when I arrived at work this morning, I found the entries blocked off due to a suspicious package. Thankfully it was just a box of office supplies, but the morning chaos threw me off my game. On the upside, I got to go home, make my kids an…
Tag: writing
New Year, Same Focus #IWSG
My goals this year haven’t changed much from previous years: family, fitness, and finishing the dang book. We’ll start with writing, since it’s the first Wednesday of the month making it Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. I’d hoped to finish book 2 of the big book series by the end of last year. That didn’t…
Dwelling on the Good Stuff #IWSG
Today is the first Wednesday of the month, which means it’s Insecure Writer’s Support Group day! I want to start off this post by letting you all know that FULL DARK is celebrating it’s 3rd anniversary! It’s a benefit anthology where all the proceeds go to the Gary Sinise Foundation, and we’ve donated over $200…
I’ll See You In September #IWSG
It’s the first Wednesday of the month, meaning it’s Insecure Writer’s Support Group Day! Woot! I netted 16K in August toward book 3, which is a decent chunk for me. If you’re wondering (which you probably aren’t) “what about book 2?”, well, I did convince myself that the changes I have planned (and have been…
Life’s Roller Coaster #IWSG
Sheesh! It’s August already and the pandemic turmoil continues. Our school district decided yesterday to delay the start of school and won’t know until the 25th if they’ll do all online or an alternate day plan. The uncertainty of it all is stressful and frustrating, though I’m sure I’m not alone in that. My digital…
Midway Point #IWSG
It’s the first and the first Wednesday of the month, making it Insecure Writer’s Support Group day! Strangely, I’m not insecure. When I started this year, I had high aspirations. I’d stick to intermittent fasting, I’d get regular exercise, and I’d finally finish all my book 2 revisions. Thanks coronavirus. You really screwed up my…
We Didn’t Start The Fire #IWSG
IWSG Question of the Month – How are things in your world? If the title did it’s job, then you probably have Billy Joel stuck in your head now. I discussed with my husband the other night about how COVID-19 would make it into a revised version of that song, likely rhymed with quarantine. I’d…
Fresh Eyes #IWSG
It’s the first Wednesday of the month, and we all know what that means… It’s Insecure Writer’s Support Group Day! With everything that’s going on with my personal life, you’d think I wouldn’t have time to be an insecure writer. Alas, that’s not the case. I mentioned a few weeks ago that I had finally…
Crafting a Story of Mine
My son loves Minecraft. He loves it so much, he used his allowance to buy a picture-free Minecraft-themed chapter book from the school’s book fair. We’ve read it twice. It’s terrible. The plot is nonsensical, everything is telling, and the characters flip without a believable reason. Last night, my son proposed we read it for…
Only Two More Chapters #IWSG
Sheesh! It’s Wednesday already. Worse than that, it’s February already! As the first Wednesday of the month, that makes today Insecure Writer’s Support Group Day. What makes me an insecure writer today? As you may or may not know, I’ve been working on Isto, the sequel to Thanmir War, for six and a half years…