The Insecure Writer’s Support Group is doing a new thing. They’re asking a question: What’s the best thing someone has ever said about your writing? By seeking out feedback, I’ve gotten helpful criticism. As a result, I know where my faults lie. Emotions—I’m terrible at manufacturing those moments that make people cry. Tension—How the heck…
Author: Loni Townsend
Twisted Magics – New Release in #SciFantasy!
There’s something nice about getting to know local authors. You meet the interesting personalities that give us amazing worlds filled with everything and more than the imagination can muster. I had the privilege to encounter J.C. Jackson. Jei, as I call her, released her debut to the world this week! Her cover is rockin’ and…
Cover Revamp!
I’ve been working on Murder Most Fowl, the next in the Cera Chronicles. My goal is to beef it up from 10K to 25K, and adjust the pace for something more suitable for a novella, rather than a serialized story. It’s been fun so far, and I hope to get it done sometime this month….
Why One Should Not Procrastinate #ParentLife
Procrastination is my biggest downfall. I’m the type of squirrel who rushes around gathering nuts just before winter hits. Back in high school, I used to arrive early to finish my homework before class. With age apparently doesn’t come wisdom, because I really should know better by now. Last Wednesday, I had a quick referral…
When Being Mean Gets You Into Trouble #IWSG
I’m one of those people who is vague about their story details online. It’s not for any fear of someone stealing my ideas; oh heck no. It’s because the mess inside my head is so darn complicated, I doubt anyone who isn’t bombarded with it regularly would really understand. I’m a master of confusing people….
The Case of the Disappearing Weapons #Fantasy
Today, I have the honor of having Lori MacLaughlin here at the Town’s End! She just released a new book and I’m stoked to be able to share it all with you. Now, take it away Lori! Thank you very much, Loni, for having me on your blog!! I write fantasy adventure. Traditional fantasy novels…
Coffee with Chrys, Plus a #Giveaway!
I don’t drink a lot of coffee, but my character Derek loves comparing people to this wonderfully caffeinated drink. Today, I have Chrys on my blog and she’s provided yet another scrumptious option to try out. This sounds yummy enough for even a squirrel like me to try out! Christmas Coffee Here’s what you’ll need:…
Loving that Music thing
It’s the season of new books so for the next couple of weeks, I’m loaning out my blog to friends who are releasing. Therefore today I’m bringing you things I’ve enjoyed recently. Many of you may have heard this one first one already. It’s popular on the alternative radio station here in Boise, and my…
Guess Who’s Co-Hosting? #IWSG
After spending some time enjoying this group, I decided it might be time for me to do a bit of co-hosting. I took this seriously, of course, and even planned my post in advance instead of scrambling to write it the morning of. That leads to my insecurity – The Plan. Twenty years ago (good…
Making Mythology #amwriting
Wow, it’s the last week of April. It’s not looking like I’m going to reach my Camp NaNoWriMo goal. You might think, “What?! But Loni, you only set out to do 5K in MaTisha and LaTonya’s POVs for book 2. You should’ve been able to do that!” I know, I know. But… I’m a squirrel….