It was a rare day. The rain abated, gracing us with a brilliant view of that long-lost friend: the sun. This one, surprisingly, had no filters applied. The image could be cleaned up. I’m not sure if a couple of those clouds are actually clouds or if they’re water spots. (I was sitting in the…
Author: Loni Townsend
How to sign with Authorgraph on your phone
Authorgraph is a fun system that allows authors to digitally sign e-books. The recipient doesn’t need to be signed up for any service to receive it either. Since I struggled to find a way to use it for my first book signing event, I figured I would post something helpful that others may be able…
Don’t Forget the Books
Guess what! I have amazing news. This is happening next week: I’ve mentioned my business partner before, the high-in-demand Christy Hovey. With her incredible skills, we are pulling off an author signing in a wine bar downtown. And the best part? I get to wear a fancy dress—outside of the house! *cough* Okay, so maybe…
Featured Photo Friday
Today’s featured photo picture the only type of cats allowed in my house. My husband, though he loves the little kittens, is terribly allergic to cats and usually ends up struggling to breathe when the furballs are around. Not to say he hasn’t tried. He’s adopted two cats since we’ve been together, and had to…
IWSG: Pain in the Pants
Insecure Writer’s Support Group Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! I am a pantser, though I usually have some idea of…
Featured Photo Friday
Today’s featured photo has a lot of filters. It’d just rained, so I ran back outside to see what I could find. I came away with a wet chain. The drama filters are fun, but they add a lot of grain. Use a dark drama filter on a building, and it makes it look haunted….
Dracian Legacy Blog Tour – Excerpt
I met Priya through a mutual critique partner and discovered she lived in my state, in my own city even! Of course, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to meet a fellow local author. We touched bases and connected beyond the scope of the computer screen. She has that infectious excitement about her that bubbles…
Featured Photo Friday
Today’s featured photo is one of my favorites so far. To me, it’s optimistic and uplifting. What do you think? I have a tendency to photograph flowers. My husband gave me 10 dozen roses for Valentine’s day, leaving me with a large amount of material to work with. I debated if I wanted to feature…
Ah, whoops…
The cold medication has fogged my brain. I seem to have forgotten it’s Wednesday and that I was supposed to have something interesting for everyone to read. *blinks groggily at screen* With the combination of no sleep and a cold that has been plaguing my family for three weeks now, I really don’t have much…
Featured Photo Friday
Today’s featured photo is in honor of my favorite holiday. Valentine’s Day! I have a number of romantic photos I considered for today, but this one seemed most appropriate. Though romance is one aspect of love (a big one!), I wanted to have a more universal feel. Love for family. Love for friends. Love for…