I’m posting a day early for Insecure Writer’s Support Group day, because I want to support my friend and critique partner Aldrea Alien in the release of Once Upon Another World. For only $0.99, you can get 20+ twisted fairytales from multiple authors, including Aldrea’s story Someone Else’s Shoes. I hope you take a moment…
Category: Books
About Us #NewRelease
Howdy All! Life’s been traumatic at the Town’s End, so I’m happy to bring a bit of good news to my blog. The amazing and talented Elizabeth Seckman released a book! What’s more, you can get it for free!! *squee!!!* That’s news enough to brighten this squirrel’s day, so let me do the honor of…
Crafting a Story of Mine
My son loves Minecraft. He loves it so much, he used his allowance to buy a picture-free Minecraft-themed chapter book from the school’s book fair. We’ve read it twice. It’s terrible. The plot is nonsensical, everything is telling, and the characters flip without a believable reason. Last night, my son proposed we read it for…
Dark One’s Bride Blitz! #newrelease
If you’re looking for my IWSG post, find it here. I’m so happy to tell all of you about Aldrea Alien’s latest release. It’s the second book in her clean gothic romance trilogy, and I have to say, I enjoyed reading it. Here’s the details, that way you can add it to your TBR, along…
Let’s Make This Quick
I’m the first to admit I’m a verbose writer. I’ve got multiple 170+K books to prove it. Therefore, the art of writing in quick bursts with minimal words is a skill that exceeds my ability. I find it easy to craft stories when I have as many words as I want at my disposal. But…
Plotting and Planning #IWSG
It’s the first Wednesday of the month, making it the day for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! I’ve been all over the security map this past week, going from high to low to elated to stressed. But since there are so many emotions in my mix, I’m focusing on just one topic–the one that has…
Digital Painting and Sales
As you may or may not know, I’ve been trying to improve my digital painting this year and my focus tends to be my characters. I managed to capture personality in my comic style, but I can’t help but want to see what other styles might suit me. I opted for something a little less…
Covering Myself #CoverReveal
You are all the greatest. When it comes to writing, my bravado is a lot bigger than I actually feel. The truth is, I’m terrified that people are going to hate my stuff. The fact that people actually volunteered to beta-read for me… Thank you. I’m honored. Since this isn’t IWSG week, I won’t dwell…
Just Keep Typing #IWSG
After a fun stint of troubleshooting a 403 error this morning (yay for corrupt .htaccess files), I finally have my site up and running so that I can actually post for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. Thank you Raimey Gallant for catching that for me! If you saw my post last week, you know that…
Let the Mad Cackling Begin #AmWriting
Guess what, peoples? I did it. I finished the first draft of Isto this year. *deep breath* MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! If you’re at all familiar with me, you’ll know that I’ve been working on this book for years. Just how long? Well, when I released the last book, my little boy was only a few months old….